Page 18 - HAMIZRACHI #5-Chanuka-USA-flipbook_Neat
P. 18

Places in Israel

                                                                                       Eve Harow

                  THE HILLS OF


             ne of the practical reasons    Natural caves in the hills served as   astonishingly, the only time from the
             that Modi’in is such a popular   burial places during the Hasmonean and   First Temple period until 1948 (5708)
     O city to live in today  – many        Second Temple era (approx. 517 BCE to   that the Jews were in charge of their own
      access roads leading to main highways   70 CE). Here was a center of a Second   destiny in Eretz Yisrael.
      commensurate with its central location   Temple era olive oil culture that is now
      in a wide, open valley  – actually made   making a comeback with new awareness   Just before Harasha is a hill called Givat
      it a terrible place from which to wage a   and varieties in Israel. Hence, it is olive   HaYekevim.  Yekev is now synonymous
      guerrilla war.  As the Greek Seleucids   oil that naturally frames the context of   with winery, but it really means a place
      approached from Antioch in today’s    Chanukah, which celebrates the military   where liquids are stored and so could
      Turkey (hence Antiochus Epiphanus,    and spiritual victory over enemies from   apply to oil as well. Marked trails lead to
      the villain of Chanukah…) nearly      within and without.                    springs and remains of unique ancient
      2,200  years  ago,  the Chashmonaim                                          oil presses (batei bad), underground
      (Hasmoneans) had to take to the hills.    In ancient days it was a hugely important   columbaria (dovecotes; think carrier
                                            staple  and  economic  commodity with   pigeons, Temple sacrifices, food and
      The Hills of Gofna.                   its uses for food, cosmetics, lamps,   fertilizer) and ladders leading into the
                                            trade and religious ritual. The month   earth.  These  go  into  some  of  the  31
      One of Israel’s most beautiful areas   of Kislev marks the end of the Land of   bell-shaped caves carved out to store
      is tucked into a gorge running on  a   Israel’s olive harvest (קי ִּ ס ַ מ), hence the   wine amphorae during the First Temple
      predominately east-west axis just north   availability of fresh olives to be pressed   period. They were later connected by
      of today’s well-known route #443 to   pure  for  the Temple’s  rededication   tunnels and served as secret hiding
      Jerusalem. Driving past Chashmonaim,   ceremony and relighting of the Menorah   places from the Romans during the
      Lapid and Kiryat Sefer on #446 one    as a symbol of political sovereignty and   revolts of 66-73 and 132-135. Great for
      enters the area called  Harei  Gofna, the   religious freedom in 164 BCE.    exploration; flashlights recommended.
      municipal area of Western Binyamin,
      stretching from Nili in the west to the   Today, Nili, Na’ale, Talmon, Neria,   During  Chanukah,  the  Binyamin
      mountain pass of Wadi Haramiya on     Dolev, Zayit Ra’anan, Nachliel and Givat   Tourism  Division  recreates  the
      the Patriarch’s Route/Road 60 in the   Harasha (with its incredible view of the   Hasmonean  period  with  mosaic
      east.                                 coast from Ashkelon to Netanya and     workshops, pottery restoration, mock
                                            Ben-Gurion International Airport) are   Jews-Greeks battles and other activities   Vineyard photo: Yair Aronshtam (Wikipedia)
      The Dolev stream flowing to the       just some of the modern communities    to bring the holiday to life. The sound of
      Mediterranean Sea provides it with a   that dot this region. Further north and   children enjoying themselves rings out
      fantastic amount of underground water,   east are Neve Tzuf and Ateret, and just   in the hills of Gofna.
      hence springs and pools abound. One   across Wadi Haramiya is Mount Ba’al
      can feel the sheltering nature of the   Hatzor, where Yehuda HaMaccabi was   We’re back where we belong as past,
      area while driving, and sections of a   killed in battle.                    present  and future  merge  in  the  land
      Roman road meander along the valley.                                         given to Binyamin.
      Agricultural mountain terracing is    Indeed, a visit to Western Binyamin is a                                  Photo of Eve Harow: Orot Hacarmel
      everywhere, with ubiquitous olive trees   step into the world of the few who took   Eve Harow  is a licensed Israeli tour
      and vineyards (gefanim, source of the   on the many, a revolt that ended with a   guide and member of the Mizrachi
      area’s name) clinging to the slopes.     critical century of Jewish sovreignty and,   Speakers Bureau.

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