Page 23 - HAMIZRACHI #5-Chanuka-USA-flipbook_Neat
P. 23

In 2004, Dror Cohen won the gold      covering thousands of miles from France   He’s married to Yafit; they have twin
      medal in sailing (Sonar Class) at the   to Senegal.                          daughters, and he speaks to audiences
      Athens Paralympic Games, along with                                          around  the  world,  inspiring  them
      Arnon Efrati and Benny Vexler, two    But that’s not all. Dror was one of the   (anyone, not just people with physical
      disabled IDF veterans.                founders  of  Etgarim  (challenges),  an
                                            NGO that promotes outdoor sports for   limitations) to believe in themselves,
      In 2011, they were crowned World      the disabled to enhance their physical,   to dare, and – most importantly – to
      Champions.                            social and recreational wellbeing. And he   treasure those little moments.

      Since then, he has become an          is also associated with Tikvot (hopes),
      accomplished snow skier, water skier,   an organization that rehabilitates Israel’s
      surfer, diver, rock climber, bungee   wounded soldiers and terror victims
      jumper, race car driver, basketball and   through sports.
      tennis player.
                                            And he’s very involved with an Israeli
      He even became the first-ever disabled   start-up,  Softwheel,  which  helps  Run in the Jerusalem Marathon for
      participant in the Paris-Dakar Rally,   wheelchair users all over the world enjoy   Tikvot with Mizrachi and Bnei Akiva.
      the largest off-road rally in the world   a more comfortable, bump-free ride.  See back page for details.

                                                                                Sivan Rahav-Meir

               Power of the Sp r t

             abbi   Aharon    Lichtenstein  After the verdict, a cordon of police   “Not the most romantic statement, I
             once said that we can’t regard   officers surrounded Edelstein, quickly   know. I didn't even know if I would ever
      R Hellenism as being something        escorting  him  back  to  his  cell.  On  the   see her again.”
      bad, senseless and superficial, as we   way, he managed to shout something to
      were taught in kindergarten. The      his wife.                              That night, in his prison cell, Yuli
      Greeks    introduced   advancement,                                          Edelstein managed to scrounge two
      intellectual wealth, sport, culture and   What was the one thing so important for   matches. He stood by the barred
      art. So what is the great difference   him to say?                           window, devotedly said the blessings
      between Jewish culture  and  Hellenism?                                      “who made miracles for my forefathers
      Mitzvah. A human being has a task to   Not “I love you.”                     in those days at this time,” and  “for
      fulfill. Not only esthetics but ethics.   “Tania, what light is it tonight?”  keeping us alive and existing and
      Not only beauty and ornamentation                                            bringing us to this time,” and lit the two
      but  commitment  and  hard  work.     His wife didn't understand at first. So   matches.
                                            he shouted it again,  “What light is it
      Not only body, but soul.              tonight?”                              “And I stood there, by that window, for
                                                                                   a few seconds, until the fire scorched
      Here’s one of the most powerful stories   Only at the third try did Tania    my fingers. I don’t know if that was
      I’ve heard about Chanukah, and the    understand, and quickly shouted back   halachically okay but I do know that in
      amazing thing is that it happened in our   “Two!” Yes, it was the morning of the   those precious moments, a little light
                                            first day of Chanukah. Edelstein had   really did disperse a lot of darkness.”
      December 19, 1984. Yuli Edelstein, now   already been incarcerated for three
      Speaker of the Knesset, was sentenced   months  and didn't  have  a  calendar,  but
      to three years hard labor in Siberia   he'd heard the judge cite the Gregorian   Sivan Rahav-Meir is a popular Israeli
      for  teaching  Hebrew  and  promoting   date and calculated that Chanukah was   journalist, broadcaster and author of
      Zionism.                              due around that time.                  #Parasha

      Photo of Sivan Rahav-Meir: Eyal Ben Yaish/Ma’ale HaYetzira
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