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Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
 Eight Thoughts for Chanukah

      one? It can’t be both. Logic suggests you   part of “Hatikvah,” the Hope, that   the candles. But suppose we don’t have
      should light it as a Chanukah candle. After   inspired Jews to return to Israel and   one. Can we light the first candle and
      all, there is no law that you have to sell or   rebuild their ancient state.   then use it to light the others?
      borrow lights for Shabbat. Yet the law is you
      light it as a Shabbat light. Why?     The  Jewish people kept  hope  alive, and   Rav said no and Shmuel said yes.
                                            hope kept the Jewish people alive.     Normally we have a rule that when Rav
      Maimonides: ‘The Shabbat light takes                                         and Shmuel disagree, the law follows
      priority because it symbolizes shalom bayit,                         Inside / Outside  Rav. There are only three exceptions and
      domestic peace. And great is peace because   There are three lights in Judaism:   this is one. Why did Rav say you may not
      the entire Torah was given to make peace   Shabbat candles,  the  Havdalah  candle,   take one Chanukah candle to light the
      in the world. ‘The Shabbat light takes   and the Chanukah candles.           others?
      precedence because in Judaism the greatest   Shabbat candles represent  shalom bayit,
      military victory takes second place to peace   peace in the home and inner light. They   Because you diminish the first candle
      in the home.                          are lit indoors. They illuminate the   (inevitably some wax or oil will spill
                                                                                   when you use it) and we don’t do
                                            sanctity of marriage and the holiness of
      Judaism’s survival is because we have                                        anything that diminishes the light of the
      always valued children more than generals   home.                            first.
      and  peace  in  the  home  over  military   The Chanukah candles used to be lit   But the law follows Shmuel. Why?
      victory. That’s our true glory.       outside — outside the front door, as

                         The Third Miracle  they are in Israel today. The Lubavitcher   Think of two Jews: both religious, both
                                                                                   committed, both living full Jewish lives.
                                            Rebbe introduced the custom of lighting
      We all know the miracles of Chanukah                                         One says: I must not get involved with
      – the military victory of the Maccabees   giant menorahs in public places to bring   Jews who are less religious than me,
      against  the  Greeks,  and  the  miracle  of   back the original spirit of the day.  because if I do, my own standards will
      the oil that should have lasted one day   Chanukah candles are the light Judaism   fall. My light will be diminished. That’s
      but burned for eight. But there was a   brings to the outside world when we   Rav.
      third miracle too, several centuries later.  are unafraid to announce our identity in
                                            public, live by our principles and fight, if   The other says no. When I use the
      After the destruction of the second   necessary, for our freedom.            flame of my faith to light a candle in
      Temple, many rabbis were convinced                                           someone else’s life, my Jewishness is
      that Chanukah should be abolished     The Havdalah candle, made up of several   not diminished. It grows because there
      because it celebrated the rededication of   wicks, represents the fusion of the two,   is now more Jewish light in the world.
      the Temple. Without a Temple, what was   the inner light of Shabbat, joined to the   That’s Shmuel.
      there left to celebrate?              outer light we make during the six days
                                            of  the  week  when we  go  out  into  the   When it comes to spiritual goods, the
      The Talmud tells us that Chanukah was   world and live our faith in public.  more I share, the more I have. If I share
      indeed abolished in at least one town.                                       my knowledge, or faith, or love with
      Yet eventually the other view prevailed,   When do we bring light to the world?   others, I don’t have less; I have more.
      and we celebrate Chanukah to this day.  When we live as Jews in private,     Share your Judaism with others. Take
                                            filling our homes with the light of the   the flame of your faith and help set other
      Why? Because although the Temple was   Shechina; when we live as Jews in public,
      destroyed, Jewish hope was not. We may   bringing the light of hope to others, and   souls on fire.
      have lost the building but we still had the   when we live both together.
      story, the memory, and the light. And
      what had happened once in  the  days of                            To Light Another Light  Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is Emeritus
      the Maccabees could happen again. And   The  Talmud  asks: can  you  take  one   Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew
      it was those words, od lo avdah tikvatenu,   Chanukah light to light another? Usually   Congregations of the Commonwealth
      “our hope is not destroyed,” that became   we take the shamash and use it to light all   @RabbiSacks

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