Page 27 - HAMIZRACHI #5-Chanuka-USA-flipbook_Neat
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      Today, when you visit Caliber 3, you’ll   While this connection to Israel is central   that simulates an urban area, allowing
      encounter Jews from all walks of life   to Caliber 3, we realize that not everyone   participants to train effectively for real-life
      training side-by-side, in krav maga, weapon   who needs our training is able to travel to   situations.
      manipulation and counter-terrorism. Our   our Israeli facility. That’s why we decided
      visitors return home with a new sense of   to open a branch of Caliber 3 in San Diego,   It's been two and a half months since Ari
      confidence and pride, knowing they can   CA, where we provide Israeli-style combat   Fuld was murdered and in Jewish homes
      protect themselves and their loved ones.  and self-defense training to our brothers   across the world, the blue and white flag of
                                            and sisters in America.                Israel proudly waves in his memory.
      And if you visit in the summer, you’ll
      encounter the Caliber 3 IDF Experience   The terrible tragedy in Pittsburgh drove   In a falafel store in Gush Etzion you’ll see
      Summer Camp for teenage boys who      home to us the importance of our mission.   a large photo of Ari displayed on the wall
      want a taste of life in the Israeli army.   Jews in America need to be safe in their   – a reminder that he is the reason the store
 by Col. Sharon Gat (res.)  Instructors from top IDF units provide   homes, in the streets and especially in their   owner is alive today.
                                            synagogues, and we will do whatever we
      a one-of-a-kind summer experience that   can to make that happen.            And at Caliber 3 we will continue to pass
      combines boot camp training with sports,                                     on the values that Ari embodied, a love for
      touring and camp activities. All activities   To that end, we invite everyone who wants   Israel, a fighting spirit and the willingness
      emphasize the core values of teamwork,   to learn self-defense or tactical shooting   to do what it takes to protect those around
      leadership  and  confidence,  helping  guide   to participate in our courses in San Diego.   him.
      our campers to be confident adults with a   The seminars are led by experienced
      strong connection to Israel.          counter-terrorism instructors in a facility

        Contact Caliber 3 USA in San Diego to book a tactical shooting course or krav maga & self-defense
                   training. We also offer community defense training in locations across the U.S.
        For more information about tourist activities and the Caliber 3 Teens Summer Boot Camp in Israel
                                         send us an email or call our Israel line:

          Email:   •   Phone: USA: (760) 660 – 4473 / Israel: +972-50-4445126   •

                                  We invite you to explore the

                     possibilities (and miracles) of life in Israel.

                                   Ask us about our dreidel trade-in program
                              and check out the other benefits of making Aliyah.

                       WWW.NBN.ORG.IL/DREIDEL • 1-866-4-ALIYAH

                                                 WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP TO BUILD A  STRONGER ISRAEL THROUGH ALIYAH

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