Page 30 - HAMIZRACHI #5-Chanuka-USA-flipbook_Neat
P. 30

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed


                             Celebrating the Oral Law

      D       uring  the  time  of  the  First   customs. For example, by instituting   Redemption. There was also no

                                                                                   chance they could achieve that,
                                            fixed blessings and prayers they
              common in  Israel  and  the
                                            to  faith,  from  which  Israel  grew  in
      people were familiar with prophetic   solidified our permanent connection    largely due to those Jews in Babylon
                                                                                   that  did  not  make  Aliyah  en  masse
      revelations and the Written Law.      strength in terms of observing Torah   during the time of Cyrus.
      One would have expected that the      and mitzvot.
      nation would have been in excellent                                          So Chanukah is the time we
      spiritual condition.                  Indeed, as a result of the Maccabean   remember the huge contribution of
                                            revolt, the fire continued to burn     the Oral Law, through which we can
      However, while the prophets did       in the  Batei Midrash of the Tanaim    live a full Jewish life and maintain a
      have  some  influence, the  three  ‘big’   and bring light to all of the exiles,   vision of Final Redemption, because
      sins – idolatry, adultery and murder   bestowing upon Am Yisrael a life      the Oral Law can provide us with
      – were rampant, eventually leading    of Torah and mitzvot that gave us      solutions to all the challenges
      to the destruction of the First       the ability to survive against all the   involved in such a transition.
      Temple.                               odds.
                                                                                   As well as the light of the Oral Law,
      Nevertheless, thanks to the Oral      And this is the greatest miracle.      it is important to remember the
      Law, the Sages managed to burn        There is no other nation on earth,     lessons of the first real Aliyah, the
      these sins out of the people. How?    that against all the rules of human    Aliyah of the Vilna Gaon’s students,
      After the destruction of the First    nature, managed to survive 2,000       who came to Israel to bring the
      Temple and the disappearance of the   years of exile, persecution and        redemption closer and not just to
      great light of prophecy, the time was   wanderings, while the internal       save themselves from the troubles of
      ripe for the Oral Law. If prophecy    vitality of Torah learning continued   the Exile.
      was compared to day and sun, the      to flow through their veins; while
      Oral Law was compared to night and    they built  Batei  Midrash wherever    By deepening our study of the Oral
      moon. In other words, the light of    they  were,  and  continued  to  clarify   Law and how it relates to running
      prophecy is much stronger than the    sugiyot with incomparable depth and    a country that is a light unto the
      light of the Oral Law, but the Oral   intensity.                             nations, and by making Aliyah to
      Law has the power to delve deep                                              realize that vision, may we merit the
      into  the  hidden  mysteries  of  the   This too is the deeper meaning of    Final Redemption speedily in our
      world and the soul, illuminate the    the miracle of the oil. Just as the    days.
      darkness and repair the damage.       pure oil overcame the laws of nature
                                            and  burned  for  eight  days until
      Therefore, because prophecy dealt     they managed to bring new oil to       1  See Yoma 9b in which Reish Lakish places the
      with the big issues, the prophets     the Temple, so did the light of the    guilt for the destruction of the Temple on the
      could not burn out the evil           Oral Law –  ignited  during  those     shoulders of these Jews. If they had come, the
      tendencies from their roots in the    days and inspired by the war of the    Shechina  would have come  with  them and  the
      human soul. It was only during the    Hasmoneans, kindle and  illuminate     vision would have been the Final Redemption,
                                                                                   not just providing the conditions to survive by
      Second Temple period that the Sages   the hearts of Jews in all of the exiles.   observing Torah and mitzvot.
      began expanding their involvement
      with  the  Oral  Law,  discussing the   However, despite the rise of the     Rabbi Eliezer Melamed is Rosh
      ins and outs of the Halacha and       Oral Law, the Maccabees didn’t         Yeshivat Har Bracha and author of
      determining rules, safeguards and     fight for or even dream of the Final   the Peninei Halacha series

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