Page 34 - HAMIZRACHI #5-Chanuka-USA-flipbook_Neat
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                                                                                                                                           RELIGIOUS ZIONISTS OF
                                                                        Rabbi Dr. Ronen Lubitch                                             AMERICA

           On Miracles & Tests

            he concept of ‘miracle’  (nes) is   to  transpire.  Most  of  us  no  doubt   almost happened. And for every terrorist
            synonymous with Chanukah,       remember  the  reaction  of  Yehuda    attack, many more are thwarted, whether                 Make a Commitment to  Religious Zionism and also Benefit!
     T and the concept of ‘test’            Wachsman when the mission to rescue    we hear about them or not.                                             Join RZA-Mizrachi or Your  Local Chapter
      (nisayon) is very prominent in the story   his son, Nachshon, failed, and Nachshon
      of Yosef we are reading about over these   was killed. When asked whether the   Our Sages teach, “The person to whom
      weeks.                                failure, after so many prayers, hadn’t   the miracle happened does not recognize
                                            shaken his faith in the Creator, he    his miracle,”  and “How many miracles
      One  type  of  test  is  coping  with  a   replied: “My faith in our Father in   does G-d do for a person of which he
      situation in which one expects a miracle,   Heaven remains as firm as it always was.   is unaware.”  Chanukah teaches us to           STRENGTHEN                       ENCOURAGE                             SUPPORT
      and it doesn’t happen. For example,   Father is allowed to say ‘no.’”        stand up to the test after the miracle and
      Yosef has to remain a faithful Jew, even                                     express gratitude for the miracles that                   Religious Zionism              Aliyah and Service to              Olim, Yeshivot Hesder,
      when it appears that his G-d has left him.   In  our  times,  we  are  often  required  to   are happening every single day.          in the United States              the State of Israel                  and Midrashot
      Indeed, from the pit his brothers threw   withstand tests of this nature, especially
      him into, to the pit that Potiphar throws   when anti-Semitism is rising and Israel’s   The establishment and existence of the
      him into, Yosef remains the same Yosef,   security  is  under  threat.  We  must  keep   State  of  Israel  is  no  less  a  miracle  than   Joining Mizrachi is a declaration of your personal commitment to the values of Religious
      loyal to his faith and upholding his   our faith and stick to our path despite   what happened to the Maccabees.
      identity as an Ivri.                  the difficulties.                                                                                     Zionism as encapsulated in the maxim 1Nl� n1m  91Y 1Nl� y7N) 1Nl� □Y,
                                                                                   The revival of our decimated people and                         the Jewish People living a life of Torah and Mitzvot in the Land of Israel.
      Three   chassidim  were    warming    Another kind of test within the miracle   a return to sovereignty, the Ingathering
      themselves by the fireplace in an inn,   is to acknowledge that a miracle did in   of the Exiles, making the deserts bloom
      each extolling the praises of their   fact occur.                            and building a strong army, becoming                                        Membership also has practical benefits!
      respective Rebbes. The first said that                                       world leaders in science, technology,                 As an RZA-Mizrachi member or member of one of its chapters (RZC - Chicago, RZLA - Los
      after he and his  wife had gone many   For example, Yosef acknowledged       medicine and much more, obligates us to
      years without bearing children, the   that his promotion was not due to his   see the Hand of Divine Providence, and             Angeles, etc.), you are entitled to discounts to a growing list of attractions, stores, services and
      Rebbe blessed them. Within a year they   own talents, but to Divine Providence   to thank Him for the miraculous process                                                 accommodations
      had a baby daughter. The second chassid   navigating  the  proceedings.  The  unfolding in our generation.
      said that his Rebbe’s bracha had managed   Hasmoneans also understood that their
      to return his wayward son. And the third   victory over the Greeks had little to do   In Israel’s 70th year, it is fitting that these    •
      told  of  his  Rebbe,  who  had  blessed  a   with  their  own might  and  strength but   eight days of celebration should sharpen                       • a:.
      big business in which he had invested   with  Divine intervention,  which then   our awareness of the great merit we have
      a lot of money, and the business went   necessitated special gratitude to G-d.  to be living in these times.                                             ,::,"mi1 :l/:l'Pi1 11X'T17J
      bankrupt.                             In our generation we often hear “well, we                                                         DE KARINA        TIIB BIBLICAL MUSEUM
                                                                                                                                                               OF NATURAL HISTORY
      “So where’s the miracle?” asked his   didn’t see a miracle.” These people refuse   1  Niddah 31.
      shocked colleagues.                   to see a guiding Hand, and attribute   2  Bamidbar Rabbah 24:2.
                                            Israel’s  successes  to  its  own  might.  The
      “The miracle,” replied the chassid, “is   truth is that we should be showing
      that I remained a loyal chassid  to my   gratitude for the miracle of our very
      Rebbe…”                               existence, as individuals and as a nation.
                                                                                   Rabbi Dr. Ronen Lubitch is Rabbi
      Authentic faith involves tests of     We should remember that for every      of Nir Etzion and President of
      that faith, even if the miracle fails   road accident, there are many more that   Ne'emanei Torah VeAvodah
                                                                                                                                                                      Go to
                                                                                                                                                     to learn  more and join RZA-Mizrachi or your local chapter.

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