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                                                                LEARN HEBREW?

         ANSWERS!                                        ?   תי ִר ְב ִע דֹמ ְל ִל ה ֶשׁ ָק ם ִא ַה

      Editor’s note: Our resident, totally unofficial Israeli guide brings you insights into a lighter side of the Israeli
      experience you won’t likely find in the usual news sources. Yaniv will also respond to readers’ questions and
      observations (non-halachic of course). He can be reached at Enjoy!

      QUESTION:                             The return of Hebrew to regular usage   (lenses). And  when  my  aunt  first  came
          anticipate making Aliyah soon, but   is nothing short of miraculous. Show   to Israel, she was very moved by the
          have weak Hebrew skills. Is it hard   me another ancient, sacred language,   fact that all the government ministers
      I  to learn Hebrew?                   with no native speakers, subsequently   were named after Avraham’s wife –
                                            acquiring several million native speakers   Sarah Chutz (Sar HaChutz – Foreign
      YANIV ANSWERS:                        almost bin lyla (overnight).           Minister), Sarah Pnim (Sar HaPnim –
      First of all, relax. Everything will be                                      Interior  Minister),  Sarah  Bitachon  (Sar
      sababa (that’s Arabic, not Hebrew).   Hebrew poses a special challenge for   HaBitachon – Defense Minister).
      Globally,  Hebrew  (Ivrit  in  Hebrew)   many new  olim (that’s Hebrew, not
      is spoken by some 9 million people    Chinese), because it’s written from    Don’t  get flustered  if  you  don’t  master
      with 7 million of them living in Israel.   right  to  left.  My  teacher  told  me  this   Ivrit  right  away; with  time  and steady
      Actually, some say Israelis speak “Israeli”   is because originally the writing was   attendance  in  Ulpan  (that  is  a  Hebrew
      – a dialect loosely based on Hebrew.   done by engraving on stone tablets    word!) you’ll avoid some of the common
      But I am by no means a purist; if I was,   with a hammer in one hand and a chisel   mistakes people make. I once overheard
      I might be working for the Academy of   in the other. With a dominant right   a  young  lady  say  to  a  bus  driver, “Na
      the Hebrew Language. Yes, that’s a real   hand holding the hammer, the natural   l’hagid li matay la’ledet,” (can you please
      place where they decide on the rules   direction is right to left.           tell me when I should give birth?) She
      of speaking proper Hebrew and create                                         meant to say “laredet,” to get off the bus.
      new words to reflect new ideas and    Hebrew has approximately 80,000        The driver scolded her and said, “Aht
      avoid a total  balagan (that’s Polish, not   words, less than half the amount of   chayevet lilmod Ivrit!” (You simply must
      Hebrew). At any rate, while Hebrew    English words. That’s why there are so   learn Hebrew!), to which she replied,
      is the official language of the State of   many derivatives of the same shoresh, or   “S’licha, aval ani pashut lo g’vina” (I’m
      Israel, a great many Israelis speak English   root word. Such as in these very useful   sorry, but I’m simply not cheese!). She
      (that’s English, not Hebrew), or at least   everyday phrases:                meant to say, “Ani lo m’vina” (I don’t
      understand it well enough to sell you a   ןַּ ג ַּ ב ן ָ ג ּ ָ ד ל ּ ֵ דִּ ג ןָּנַּ ג, A gardener grew corn in   understand).
      shwarma (that’s Turkish, not Hebrew).  the garden; or: ןַּ ג ַּ ב ל ַ דָּ ג ל ֹודָּ ג ן ָ ג ּ ָ ד, tall corn   And the worst thing that can happen?
      Now  that  you  are  calm,  allow  me  to   grew in the garden.              You’ll have to use a melon! (milon means
      reflect on Hebrew –  Lashon HaKodesh,   The genius took the elevator to bring the   dictionary;  melon – believe it or not,
      the Holy Tongue. According to Chazal,   leaf up to the attic: תי ִ ל ֲ ע ַּ מ ַ ה ל ַ ע ה ָ ל ָ ע יוּלּ ִ ע ָ ה   means melon.)
      Hebrew is the original language of    הָּי ִ ל ֲ ע ַ ל ה ֶ ל ָ ע תוֹל ֲ ע ַ ה ְ ל ה ָ ל ֲ ע ַ מ ְ ל.
      the world; the language Adam and
      Chava and our three forefathers and   We just don’t always hear things clearly
      four foremothers spoke. The Torah, of   (Israelis  speak like they  drive)  and  we
      course, is written in Hebrew (except for   tend  to get  our  genders in  a  twist  too.   Feel free to send me your own
      a few words in Aramaic) and Hebrew has   A friend once lectured to a group of   personal favorite Ivrit bloopers,
      always been a daily language of Jews in   opticians and spent an hour talking   or  any other  perplexing questions
      Eretz Yisrael.                        about adashim (lentils) instead of adashot   you have:

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