Page 33 - HAMIZRACHI #5-Chanuka-USA-flipbook_Neat
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Rabbanit Chana Henkin
            Always Look on the

                     Bright Side of Torah

               e have two  mitzvot of       the entrance to the home we are not    are intertwined in the Chanukah
               lighting candles – Shabbat   allowed to use.                        story and in all of Jewish history.
     W and  Chanukah  –  and  they
      couldn’t be more different from each   Ner Mitzvah v’Torah Or. “A  mitzvah   The  model  that  our  Sages  preferred
      other.                                is a candle, and the Torah is light”   is not sacrifice and not zealotry.
                                            (Proverbs 6:23). The two paradigms     They chose spreading light, one
      The purpose of the Shabbat candles    for  hadlakat nerot are also two       candle lighting another candle. We
      is for us to use them. If we light    paradigms for halachic learning.       have a halachic principle “deracheha
      Shabbat candles in the house, and                                            darchei no’am,” the ways of the
      go out and eat Shabbat dinner         There is halachic learning for         Torah are pleasant (Proverbs 3:17).
      in the yard and never use those       one’s own enrichment and there is      Jewish history has been filled with
      Shabbat candles, the  bracha we       learning that impacts public space.    sacrifice, but the Sages call upon us
      recited over them becomes a  bracha   We began studying the laws of          to model ourselves after light and
      l’vatala.  Candles that are not used   Niddah at Nishmat for our own         pleasantness.
      do not fulfill the mitzvah of lighting   benefit, so that as observant women
      Shabbat candles.                                                             Deracheha darchei no’am is not merely
                                            we could understand and master the     a description but a mandate. We
      Shabbat candles should be placed on   mitzvah ourselves and increase the     have a responsibility to make the
      the table or as near to the table as is   light of Torah within our homes.   Torah’s ways pleasant, to make
      practical.  The table is the innermost   Very quickly, we realized there     Jewish observance pleasant, infused
      center of the house, and the light of   was a need and a mission to train    with light.
      the candles creates an environment    women –  Yoatzot Halacha – to bring
      of  shalom  bayit  (marital accord)  and   that learning out into the main   This is the role of the  Yoatzot
      infuses the home with the joy of                                             Halacha  – providing  an  address  for
      Shabbat.                              street  of  Jewish life, and benefit   intimate  halachic  questions and
                                            tens of thousands of women and         helping women and their health care
      In contrast, according to the original   families. The Yoatzot Halacha are our   providers understand each  other.
      mitzvah, Chanukah candles are lit     Chanukah candles!                      Helping women observe mitzvot with
      outside, to the left of the entrance                                         light instead of sacrifice.
      to the house, opposite the  mezuzah.   There   is   another   connection
      This became impossible in many        between    Yoatzot   Halacha   and     This Chanukah, may we continue
      communities,   and   the   custom     Chanukah.  The  name  Chanukah         to enjoy the pleasantness of Torah
      developed to light in a window        comes from the phrase  Chanukat        within our homes and to spread its
      facing the outside. Only during       HaMizbeach, the dedication of          light throughout the world.
      a time of religious persecution       the altar. The altar in the Temple
      may one light in the interior of the   was defiled by the Hellenist Jews
      house, and not beside a window or     and their Syrian Greek allies,         1  A ‘wasted’ bracha. Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim
      doorway.                              and    Chanukah     celebrates  its    263:9.
                                            rededication. Yet we have no ritual
      The purpose of Chanukah candles is    on Chanukah that in any way            2  See Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 263:10, Rema
      pirsumei nisa, publicizing the miracle,   reminds us of the altar. Everything   and Mishna Brura.
      infusing public space with awareness   is associated with the menorah, with
      of G-d. We are not permitted to use   the miracle of the oil. Why?
      their light for any other purpose.
                                            The altar and the menorah represent    Rabbanit Chana Henkin  is Head of
      These two  mitzvot are opposite       two  models of  serving  G-d.  One     Nishmat, The Jeanie Schottenstein
      poles: candles at the heart of the    model involves death and sacrifice     Center for Advanced Torah Study for
      home we must use, and candles at      and  one  represents  light. These two   Women

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