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        Women’s Learning Initiative

      Nishmat,  the  Jeanie  Schottenstein  Center   Nishmat’s three-week Summer Program   Hadassah, a teacher in the Rabbinical
      for Advanced Torah Study for Women in   is a shining star in the WLI’s calendar.   Council  of  America’s  conversion
      Jerusalem, has outstanding short-term   Planned for July 5th through July 26,   program housed in Kehilath Jeshurun in
      Torah learning opportunities for women of   2019, students will enjoy stimulating and   Manhattan,  came  to  study  in  Nishmat’s
      all ages and backgrounds.             inspiring classes, trips throughout Eretz   Summer Program last summer with one
                                            Yisrael, extracurricular activities and
      The Women’s Learning Initiative (WLI),   Shabbatonim.                        of her conversion students. Two mother-
      a division of Nishmat’s Alisa Flatow                                         daughter pairs took advantage of the
      Programs, offers weekly text study classes   The theme, “Power, Leadership and   opportunity to take a Torah vacation and
      in addition to Study Days several times   Responsibility” will focus on the burning   strengthen their  relationship  through  text
      a  year.  The  popular  “Seminar  of  Jewish   spiritual, religious, and  political issues of   study.
      Thought,” to be held January 6-10, 2019,   our time. Students will examine Jewish
                                            sources that explore the differences
      will focus on “Avodat Hashem and Ethics   between power and authority, maintaining   “The best part of my summer was having
      in Society: Serving G-d and Helping Each   our integrity in the midst of abuses of   the opportunity to learn at Nishmat with
      Other.”                               power, and exercising our personal power   my mom,” said Gabi Agus of New York.
      Lecturers will explore compelling topics                                     Another  Summer   Program  student,
      related to medical ethics, allocation of   Summer Program students come from a   Amanda Dryer, came to Nishmat after her
      resources, and equality in education.   wide spectrum of backgrounds and have   mentors, Rabbi Mark and Jill Wildes of
      Each day, specific lecturers will focus   the opportunity to bond through inspiring   the Manhattan Jewish Experience, told her
      the  material through  a  personal  lens,  a   chevruta (study partner) learning as they   she was ready to take the next step in her
      communal lens, and that of society.   delve into the depths of text study.   learning.

      “I am so happy I attended Nishmat’s Seminar of Jewish Thought. I   “I came to Nishmat and it was an amazing experience because
      appreciated that all the lectures were given in English and that the   I was paired up with an incredible  chevruta. Most of my study
      integration of text material was on a level I could follow. I found   partners on the Upper West Side are people my age because the
      all the teachers to be knowledgeable, dynamic, interesting and   organization  I’m  part  of  is  for  people  in  their  20s  and  30s.  My
      inspiring. I learned a great deal, came away with much to think   chevruta here happens to be a lot older than me, but we were just
      about and a decision to continue going to classes at Nishmat on   able to connect through the text and through the Torah, on an
      a regular basis. I am most grateful to you for the motivation and   entirely different level.”
      inspiration I have gained during the course of this week.”
                                                               (Amanda Dryer, New York)
      (Marilyn Goldstein, Philadelphia)

                                                To find out more about the Women's Learning Initiative or to register for the
                                                  Summer Program, visit or write to
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