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What's in a Word

                                                                                 Dr. Avshalom Kor

            Chanukah HINTS

               undreds of years after we lost   The gematria of  ח ַ ב ֶ ט   ַ חֹב ְ ט ְּו is therefore   And then Yehuda answers Yosef’s
               our independence, there were   19 + 19 + 6 = 44, the number of      question:  ח ָ א  ֹוא ב ָ א ם ֶ כ ָ ל  ׁש ֵּי ַ ה, “Do you
      H different customs in Babylon        Chanukah candles you’ll find in the box!  have a father or brother?”
      and in Eretz Yisrael regarding how much
      of the Torah to read each Shabbat. In   Later, when Yosef and his brothers are   But many years later, someone explained
      Eretz Yisrael they would read the entire   sitting down to eat, Yosef knows exactly   the question like this: Yosef was stuck in
      Torah  over  a  period  of  three  and a half   in what order to seat them, from the   Egypt while Yehuda had returned there
                                            oldest to the youngest. There are no
      years. Today we adopt the Babylonian   donuts or latkes on the table, but    from Eretz Yisrael. Said Yosef: “Tell me,
      custom,  in  which  we  read the  whole   nevertheless  the  Jews  found  a  Yehuda, what have the Sages in Eretz
      Torah once, from beginning to end, from   connection to Chanukah (43:34):    Yisrael decided about how to light
      Simchat Torah to Simchat Torah.                                              Chanukah candles?”
                                             .ת ֹוד ָי  ׁש ֵ מ ָ ח ם ָּ ל ֻּ כ תֹאׂ ְ ש ַּ מ ִ מ ן ִ מ ָי ְנ ִּ ב ת ַ אׂ ְ ש ַ מ ב ֶ ר ֵּ ת ַ ו
      According to that custom, now common                                                          .ח-א  ֹוא ב-א ם ֶ כ ָ ל  ׁש ֵּי ַ ה
      in Jewish communities all over the    Binyamin’s  portion  was  five  times  as   In other words, do they act according to
      world, it turns out that we read Parashat   much as anyone else’s portion. Rashi   Beit Hillel, in which we light
                                            explains that Binyamin received his
      Mikeitz almost every year on Shabbat   portion, Yosef and Osnat’s (Yosef’s wife)   progressively upwards,  1-א on the first
      Chanukah, the  parasha  containing the   portion and the portions of their sons   night,  2-ב  on the second, and so on, or
      dramatic story of Joseph meeting his   Efraim and Menashe – ת ֹוד ָי  ׁש ֵ מ ָ ח.
      brothers in Egypt before they discover                                       do they act according to Beit Shammai,
                                                                                   who said that on א, on the first night, we
      his true identity.                    What’s  the  Chanukah  connection?  On
                                            Chanukah, we add the  Al HaNissim      light ח, eight lights?
      Over 1,900 years of Exile, our ancestors   prayer to Birkat HaMazon, in which we   To which Yehuda replies, ן ֵ ק ָז ב ָ א ּונ ָ ל  ׁש ֵי –
      sat in the snow or in the desert or in   thank the Almighty for the Maccabee’s   in other words, we act according to Beit
      the ghettoes and often searched for   victory over the Greeks and we mention
      Chanukah hints in the parasha. Why did   five ת ֹוד ָי there too:            Hillel (1-א on the first night, 2-ב on the
      this specific  parasha merit a reading on    .םי ִּ ט ַ ע ְ מ ד ַי ְּ ב םי ִּ ב ַ ר ְ ו .םי ׁ ִ ש ָּ ל ַ ח ד ַי ְּ ב םי ִ ר ֹו ּ ב ִ ג  ָּ ת ְ ר ַ ס ָ מ  second, and so on), and the  ן ֵ ק ָז also
                                                                                   refers to Hillel HaZaken, Hillel the
      Chanukah?                              .םי ִ קי ּ ִ ד ַ צ  ד ַי ְּ ב  םי ִ ע ׁ ָ ש ְ רּו  .םי ִ ר ֹוה ְ ט  ד ַי ְּ ב  םי ִ א ֵ מ ְ טּו  Elder, who was the Head of the school of
                                                            .ך ֶ ת ָ ר ֹות י ֵ ק ְ ס ֹוע ד ַי ְּ ב םי ִ ד ֵז ְ ו
      ל ַ ע  ר ׁ ֶ ש ֲ א ַ ל ר ֶ מאֹי ְ ו  ןי ִ מ ָי ְנ ִּ ב ת ֶ א ם ָּ ת ִ א ף ֵ ס ֹוי א ְ ר ַּי ַ ו  Beit Hillel.
      ח ַ ב ֶ ט  ַ חֹב ְ ט ְּו  ה ָ תְי ָּ ב ַ ה  םי ִ ׁש ָנ ֲ א ָ ה  ת ֶ א א ֵ ב ָ ה   ֹותי ֵּ ב  This indicates that when Yosef and his   Maoz Tzur, the dispute about the proper
             .םִי ַ ר ֳ ה ָ צ ְּ ב םי ִ ׁש ָנ ֲ א ָ ה ּול ְ כאֹי י ִּ ת ִ א י ִּ כ ן ֵ כ ָ ה ְ ו  brothers finished their meal, they recited
                                            the Birkat HaMazon for Chanukah!       order  of lighting  candles,  Birkat
      Within this verse (Genesis 43:16), the                                       HaMazon and Yosef and his brothers
      words ן ֵ כ ָ ה ְ ו ח ַּ ב ַ ט contain all five letters of   On Shabbat Chanukah afternoon, we   celebrating Chanukah in Egypt… all in
      the word ה ָּ כ ֻנ ֲ ח one after the other.   usually read the start of the next parasha,   the Torah portion we read almost every
                                            Vayigash, in which the drama reaches a   year on Shabbat Chanukah… chance or
      Furthermore, the words  ח ַ ב ֶ ט   ַ חֹב ְ ט ְּו   peak,  and  Yehuda,  the  brothers’   miracle?
      remind us of the words in Maoz Tzur,   representative from Eretz Yisrael, faces                                  Photo of Dr. Avshalom Kor: Roy Achiron
      ַ ח ֵּ ב ְ ט ַ מ ןי ִ כ ָּ ת ת ֵ ע ָ ל.  up to Yosef and refuses to leave Binyamin
                                            in Egypt. ‘Put me in jail if you want, but   Dr. Avshalom Kor  is  an  Israeli  linguist
      Yet that’s not all. The gematria      you  must  let  Binyamin  go  back  to  his   and   expert on  Hebrew grammar and
      (numerical value) of the word ח ַ ב ֶ ט is 19.  ageing father in Eretz Yisrael.’  semantics

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