Page 24 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 24

SHAinVJUeruTsaNleImGHT                                                                  Sivan Rahav-Meir ‎
No social media campaign
          trumpeted this event. It had   the Torah, and some – especially the                                            Photo: Eyal Ben Yaish/Ma’ale HaYetzira
          no spokesperson, no formal     youth – just singing and dancing.
organization. But I was privileged                                                 York alone just to be here for these
to be there, and here’s what I saw:      People bringing huge quantities of        moments. The women standing
                                         food, drink and candies throughout        next to me, flushed with excitement,
Thousands of people in the center        the night to the security people          told me they were part of a WIZO
of Jerusalem learning Torah in the       deployed around the city. When we         delegation from Mexico, Panama and
middle of the night in lectures,         offer something to the two military       Peru.
seminars and hevruta study pairs,        police soldiers from the Druze town of
or reciting the traditional Shavuot      Daliat El-Karmel standing on Shivtei      I went up to the roof of Aish HaTorah,
Tikkun. A father and his son, long       Yisrael Street, they refuse, because      overlooking the Kotel, with a group
after midnight, sitting in an empty      they already have far more than they      of students from the Nefesh Yehudi
synagogue studying the Book of           can eat!                                  project. For the first time in their lives
Samuel together.                                                                   they were hearing the verses of Hallel
                                         Arriving at the Kotel: The myriad         sung at such a location and at such a
At 4:00 am, tens of thousands of         minyanim, the cacophony of prayer         time. And the Book of Ruth. And the
people spilling out of the city’s        styles and liturgical hymns and           Ten Commandments.
neighborhoods and alleys, making         accents. I ask every person I meet
their way on foot to the Kotel. Some     where they are from. They came from       And I marveled at the way these
of them comfortable, mainstream          southern Israel, the Golan Heights,       masses later left the place so quietly.
types, with eyes half-closed (like me);  Gush Etzion, the Tel-Aviv area, the
some smoking cigarettes because it’s a   Gaza periphery. I had no idea so          The next morning, I read the
holiday that permits lighting fire from  many make the effort to make this         newspaper, and all I find is a summary
a pre-existing flame. Some Hassidim      pilgrimage to Jerusalem.                  of the traffic jams and the number of
with towels over their shoulders                                                   visitors to Israel’s national parks over
because they went to dip in the          And then I realize that this is not just  the holiday.
mikveh (ritual bath) before receiving    an Israeli story at all. We are part of
                                         something bigger. By my estimate,         And that’s why I wrote this.
                                         thousands of Jews flew from New
                                                                                   Sivan Rahav-Meir is a popular Israeli
                                                                                   journalist, broadcaster and author of

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