Page 23 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 23
Ohad Tal
letters: ... ִל ְיה ּו [ ֶּבן] ִא ֵמר, “lihu [son of] them from the time of the Second some astonishing glimpses of Jewish
Imer.” The name Imer is known Temple. One of these coins even bears history and the discovery of myriad
as belonging to a family of priests the image of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, treasures hidden for thousands of
from the time of the First Temple. “Antiochus the Evil” from the story of years underneath the site of our Beit
In Jeremiah (chapter 20) it mentions Chanukah. HaMikdash.
Pashhur, son of Imer HaKohen, who
was “the governor’s clerk in the house However, the coin that aroused the King David, the Psalmist who brought
of G-d.” This stamp is the first Hebrew most excitement was none other than the city of Jerusalem fully into the
inscription from the First Temple a “half-shekel” coin minted in 66-67 Jewish consciousness1, describes the
period, found on the Temple Mount. BCE (about three years before the need for the people of Israel to be
This unequivocally attests to Jewish destruction of the Second Temple). partners in the process of Redemption
activity on this site. The coin is made of pure silver and by literally probing the earth of
bears the Hebrew letters ְיר ּו ׁ ָש ֵלם ַה ְּקד ֹו ׁ ָשה Jerusalem: ִּכי ָרצ ּו ֲע ָב ֶדי ָך ֶאת ֲא ָב ֶני ָה ְו ֶאת
SECOND TEMPLE PERIOD (516 BCE–70CE) – Holy Jerusalem and – ֲח ִצי ַה ׁ ּ ֶש ֶקלhalf ֲע ָפָר ּה ְיחֹ ֵננ ּו, “Your servants take delight
a shekel. This is the first time such a in its stones and cherish its dust”
Many treasures have been discovered coin has been found on the Temple (Psalms 102:15).
from the Second Temple period, Mount and the implications are, of
including evidence of the large course, significant to say the least. This process of digging in the dirt is
construction projects, primarily King one stage of the Redemption process
Herod’s expansion of the Temple THE LATE ROMAN PERIOD (324–70 CE) and in the very next verse, the
Mount and his rebuilding of the Psalmist describes the result:
Temple. Among the interesting finds from this
period are numerous figurines, pawns ְו ִייְרא ּו ג ֹו ִים ֶאת ׁ ֵשם ה’ ְו ָכל ַמ ְל ֵכי ָה ָאֶרץ ֶאת ְּכב ֹו ֶד ָך
Additionally, they have found an and many dice that were probably ִּכי ָב ָנה ה’ ִצ ּי ֹון ִנְר ָאה ִּב ְכב ֹודו, “The nations
abundance of sheep, goat and cattle used by soldiers of the Roman Legion will fear the name of the L-rd, all the
bones, many of which were charred. who destroyed the Temple. Among kings of the earth, Your glory. For the
The strong presumption is that these them is also a “cheater’s die” which L-rd has built Zion; He has appeared
are the remains of korbanot (sacrifices) may explain the words of the Sages in all His glory.”
offered upon the altar when the Beit – ַה ְּמ ַ ׂש ֵחק ְּב ֻק ִּב ָּיה ָּפס ּול ְל ֵעד ּותwe
HaMikdash was active. reject the testimony of We pray that through this
those who gamble with project and others we will
But that’s not all. dice. continue to discover the
unequivocal evidence of
For the first time, sifters discovered LOOKING FORWARD our unbreakable bond to
actual floor tiles from Herod’s Temple! our eternal capital and to
The tiles were decorated with various The weakness of Israeli
colors of imported stones arranged governments over the years the Temple Mount. Another
in a variety of geometric patterns. In regarding issues of sovereignty over milestone in the ongoing process
his book “The Jewish War,” Josephus the Temple Mount has become a great of our people’s Final Redemption and
referred to these stones: “The tragedy, not only for the Jewish people the revelation of the full glory of our
uninhabited courtyard was paved with but also on a universal level – the G-d-given homeland.
stones of different types and colors.” wanton destruction of one of the most
Recently, the project’s researchers have important historical sites in the world. 1 See Rav Rimon’s article on page 10.
suggested a variety of patterns for how
this paving may have been laid in the However, through the Temple Mount Ohad Tal is Deputy Chief Executive of World
Beit HaMikdash. Sifting Project, we have tried to at Mizrachi and former Head of the Temple
least correct some of the damage. In Mount Sifting Project
To date, more than 6,000 ancient doing so, we have been blessed with
coins have been discovered, many of
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