Page 22 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 22
On June 7, 1967, at exactly 10:00 Thus, the Waqf completed another they launched The Temple Mount
am, Motta Gur, commander stage in its plan to turn the entire Sifting Project.
of the Paratroopers Temple Mount into a mosque, to
Brigade, uttered three words that present it as a Muslim site and to sever At least putting the soil and dirt from
touched millions of people all the Jewish connection to the site. the Temple Mount literally “in our
over the world: ַהר ַה ַּב ִית ְּב ָי ֵדינ ּו, “The hands”!
Temple Mount is in our hands!” The dirt trucks emptied their loads
at various waste disposal sites around Since then, the project – involving
However, the management of the Jerusalem, and the State authorities over 200,000 volunteers from all
Temple Mount affairs was entrusted were unhelpful and helpless in over the world – has discovered
to the Muslim Waqf, which attempts handling the matter. thousands of artifacts and fascinating
to reduce Israeli sovereignty on the items, the first ever archeological
mountain at every opportunity and to Strangely enough, although Jerusalem data originating from underneath
heavily limit Jewish access. is one of the most excavated cities in the Temple Mount. In addition,
the world from an archaeological point through innovative methodology and
In 1996, they decided to build a new of view, there is one place that has surveying techniques, the findings
mosque on the site. They knew that never been excavated – the Temple have deepened our understanding and
they would not be able to build a new Mount. knowledge, challenged theories and
building on the main plaza, so they presented and supported the real facts
decided to build the new mosque Nevertheless, while the Waqf was about and Jewish claims to the Temple
under the plaza in the area known as carrying out its work, two young Mount, the site of our beloved Beit
“Solomon’s Stables.” This is a large Israeli archeology students – Tzachi HaMikdash.
building built during the Second Zweig and Aran Yardeni – watched
Temple period by King Herod in his as the events unfolded. They followed Here are just some of the amazing
efforts to expand the Temple Mount the trucks and examined the piles discoveries:
area. of dirt that had been removed from
the Temple Mount. They quickly FIRST TEMPLE PERIOD (1000-586 BCE)
During the construction process, discovered that the soil was saturated
the Waqf carried out large-scale with archaeological treasures. Sifters uncovered a huge number
excavations on the Temple Mount of pottery vessels, including 180
in a flagrantly illegal manner, They had to do something before it fragments of figurines used for idol
destroying evidence of the Beit was too late. worship. On the face of it, it is strange
HaMikdash and damaging antiquities, to find such a large concentration of
while preventing Israeli police and So they recruited a number of senior these statues on the Temple Mount,
Antiquities Authority inspectors from archaeologists, led by Dr. Gabi Barkai but the Sages tell us that idolatry was
visiting the site. of Bar-Ilan University – which gave one of the three reasons the First
them academic backing – and in 2004 Temple was destroyed.
But it didn’t stop there. In 1999, the
Waqf decided to open a large entrance They also found various weapons
to the illegal mosque they had built. from this period, such as slingshots
To this end, they brought dozens of and arrowheads. Particularly exciting
trucks, tractors and bulldozers to was a three-winged bronze arrowhead
the Temple Mount, and for three used by the Babylonian army that
consecutive days and nights, they dug conquered Jerusalem and destroyed
a huge hole in the mountain, causing the First Temple.
massive destruction and irreplaceable
damage to the historical layers and One of the most important finds
archeological remains. discovered from this period is a clay
signatory stamp bearing the Hebrew
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