Page 18 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 18

Dr. Yael Ziegler



Ruth’s generosity reverses                are generous without any thought            is designed to create a dynastic line
        the downward spiral of the        of personal benefit that can accrue         of kingship from which will emerge
        narrative and launches its        from their generosity. This type of         a leader, who, like his illustrious
arduous movement toward resolution.       kindness, which is often associated         ancestors, will be willing to put the
However, Ruth, a marginalized             with acts of kindness done for the          needs of the other before his own.
Moabite, cannot act independently.        deceased, is termed chesed shel emet.
Everything that she offers Naomi (food,   There is, of course, no expectation of      A similar point emerges from
children) is given to her by the well-    recompense when one buries a dead           the textual description of Ruth’s
established Judean, Boaz, who is also     person or treats a corpse with respect.     hardworking behavior. Ruth’s
portrayed as a paragon of generosity.     It is striking, therefore, that both        industriousness, indicated by her
If the first critical shift in the book   Ruth and Boaz are explicitly praised        willingness to work in the fields from
is initiated by Ruth, its final pivot is  for the kindness that they perform          morning (2:7) until evening (2:17),
completed by Boaz. It may be most         for the deceased. Naomi blesses Ruth        corresponds to Boaz’s industrious
accurate to conclude that the success     (and Orpah) that she will receive due       nature. Despite being a wealthy
of the narrative rests upon the coming    recompense for her behavior: “G-d           landowner, Boaz personally visits his
together of this couple. Ruth and Boaz’s  shall do kindness with you as you did       fields during the harvest (2:4), winnows
marriage represents the conjoining        with the dead ones and with me” (1:8).      his own barley (3:2), and sleeps in
of two similar personalities, whose       Naomi later blesses Boaz in a similar       his fields to guard his crops. Their
traits are ideal for producing both the   fashion: “Blessed is he to G-d, for he      common drive to work hard is critical
personal solution for Naomi and the       has not withheld his kindness from          for producing an unselfish king. A
national solution for the self-centered,  the living or the dead” (2:20).             leader who is willing to serve his people
miserly, and slothful society of the                                                  can be a benevolent and charitable
period of the Judges.                     In keeping with this trait, both of these   king. It is no wonder then, that the
                                          characters are portrayed not just as        Davidic dynasty begins with a woman
To convey the similarity between          acting on someone else’s behalf, but as     and a man who labor in the fields.
Boaz and Ruth and simultaneously          doing so in a manner that undermines        The marriage of these industrious
highlight the important traits they       their own interests. Ruth’s original        individuals produces a child whose
share, the Book of Ruth presents          decision to remain with Naomi rather        name is Oved, “the worker,” born to
several linguistic parallels between      than return to a fulfilling future in       serve the people (4:17).
these characters.                         Moab attests to her selflessness. Boaz’s
                                          willingness to buy Elimelech’s land         The mirroring of Ruth and Boaz thus
The most significant similarity           and marry Ruth in order to establish        depicts the harmonious alliance of two
between them is their common trait        the name of the deceased requires a         similar personalities, who are kind,
of kindness. The verb natan, to give,     fair measure of selflessness, as may be     generous, selfless and hardworking.
is employed in the book to depict         seen from the redeemer’s panic. Both        The parallels between these
Ruth giving food to Naomi (2:18)          Ruth and Boaz are willing to sacrifice      personalities hint at the successful
and to portray Boaz giving food to        their personal dignity to help another:     fruit of their union, the Davidic
Ruth (3:17). Each of these exemplary      Ruth when she offers to go to the fields    dynasty, which is founded upon their
characters supplies food to someone       to glean food (2:2) and Boaz when he        common traits.
needy, thereby solving the essential      himself serves Ruth food in the field
problem of the book. And yet, the         (2:14). The self-sacrificing quality they   (This article is excerpted with permission
book does not portray commonplace         share and their willingness to suspend      from ‘Ruth: From Alienation to Monarchy,’
kindness; rather, it focuses on a         their own personal interests in favor of
particularly selfless type of kindness.   the needs of the other are critical to the  Maggid, 2015.)
Specifically, both of these characters    success of their union. Their marriage
                                                                                      Dr Yael Ziegler teaches Tanach at leading

                                                                                      institutions in Israel

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