Page 16 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 16
Appreciating Rabbi Berel Wein
Anumber of years ago I visited tasty fruits of the Ginossar area not practicality they have become wildly
San Diego, California, grown in Jerusalem?” The Talmud impractical. There is no way for a
to deliver a lecture at a responds: “So that no one should body to survive once its heart has been
broken asunder.
local synagogue. On the next day, ascend to Jerusalem for the sweet
I prevailed upon my friend and fruits or for the hot baths. Rather, one There has never been a Jewish power
colleague, the rabbi of the synagogue, ascends to Jerusalem for the sake of in our history that contemplated
to accompany me across the Jerusalem itself.” willingly ceding Jerusalem or any
part of it to others, especially to
US-Mexican border to visit Tijuana. Jerusalem is its own attraction. It sworn enemies who denigrate our
Ignoring the advice of the rabbi that does not rely upon natural wonders, faith and question our right to exist.
the visit was not worth the time, I outstanding weather or unusual It is the complete disregard, whether
insisted in doing so anyway. The surroundings for its attraction. It is out of ignorance or ideology, of the
rabbi was right. Tijuana was vastly holy, mysterious, the soul of Jewish heavenly Jerusalem that brings one to
disappointing. But on the way back, history and longing. The Rabbis compromise the very existence of the
crossing into the United States from taught us that there is a heavenly earthly Jerusalem, a Jerusalem that we
Mexico, an incident occurred that has Jerusalem perched over the earthly should feel so blessed and appreciative
remained stamped in my memory ever Jerusalem. In order to truly appreciate to control.
since. the earthly Jerusalem, one must
A friend of mine summed up the
The burly Mexican-American customs also be able to glimpse the heavenly matter when he told me this story
officer at the border examined my Jerusalem as well. about his aged father who had just
passport and paused. He then asked made aliyah to Israel in his 80th year.
me in awe and wonderment: “Do you To see Jerusalem as a piece of real The son settled the father in a very
really live in Jerusalem?” estate, a place on the map, is not to comfortable senior residence in the
see it at all, let alone appreciate its coastal region. But after two months
When I answered affirmatively, he role in Judaism and Jewish life and the father insisted on relocating
looked at me and said: “How blessed thought. The driving force behind to Jerusalem. He said: “I have not
you must be to be able to live in Zionism, even its most secular format, waited for 80 years to finally come
Jerusalem.” was the hunger of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and not live in
for Jerusalem. The earthly Jerusalem Jerusalem!”
It was a moment of transcendent with all of its wonders and problems,
revelation to me. Truly, I should greatness and shortcomings, is We see the traffic jams, the torn-up
feel fortunate and blessed to live a product of seeing the heavenly streets, the problems of living in a
in Jerusalem. The customs officer Jerusalem with eyes of tears and hope. metropolis that is still developing.
confirmed a truism to me that, like That is the earthly Jerusalem. But
other truisms in life, I sometimes tend Nehemiah built the walls of Jerusalem the heavenly Jerusalem resonates in
not to remember and focus on. I live at the beginning of the Second Temple our souls and hearts and that is what
in a very special place at a very special period with one hand on the sword makes life in the earthly Jerusalem so
time. I have an opportunity granted to and the second one on the building meaningful and important.
me that was denied to generations of blocks. But the Midrash records that
my more worthy ancestors. I should his eyes were always looking upwards How can it be otherwise?
savor and appreciate this opportunity at the heavenly Jerusalem.
and not treat it in a cavalier or Rabbi Berel Wein is Senior Rabbi of Beit
mundane fashion. The capital’s diplomatic fate is a hot Knesset HaNassi in Jerusalem and Director
topic of conversation these days. The of the Destiny Foundation
The Talmud asks: “Why are the hot people who claim to represent our best
springs baths of Tiberias not located interests regarding the city apparently
in Jerusalem? Why are the great and only see the earthly Jerusalem. In their
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