Page 12 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 12

Rabbi Shalom Rosner

      The MAGIC and Power of Torah

The Talmud (Zevachim 116a)                                              Rav Shapira answers that there are                                      The Talmud (Baba Kama 82a) records
         tells us that at the time of ‫ַמ ֲע ַמד‬                         really two types of ‫( ַא ְחד ּות‬unity). The                             the story which occurred at Marah
         ‫( ַהר ִסי ַני‬the Revelation at Mount                           first is what we might call ‫ַא ְחד ּות ִמ ּת ֹו ְך‬                      (Exodus 15), when the Jews thirsted
Sinai), all the nations of the world were                               ‫ – ֵאין ְּבֵריָרה‬we get along because we                                for water, and G-d produced sweet
in shock, not knowing what cosmic                                       want to survive. There is a common                                      water from the bitter surroundings.
event was occurring. They ran to the                                    enemy from which we both need                                           Chazal offer a deeper interpretation.
evil Bilaam, the smartest person they                                   protection. That’s what happened at                                     The Jews really thirsted for Torah
knew, and asked him:                                                    the time of the flood. The animals                                      (‫ ֵאין ַמ ִים ֶא ָּלא ּת ֹוָרה‬, “there is no water
                                                                        didn’t really love each other but the                                   except for Torah”) and it was at that
‫ ׁ ֶש ָּמא ַמ ּב ּול ָּבא‬,‫ַמה ק ֹול ֶה ָהמ ֹון ֲא ׁ ֶשר ׁ ָש ַמ ְענ ּו‬  species needed to continue, so they                                     moment that the law was enacted
                                          ?‫ְלע ֹו ָלם‬                   lived together. The ‫ ַא ְחד ּות‬of Isaiah                                that no Jew should ever go three days
                                                                        is one based on a shared vision and                                     without hearing a Torah reading.
“What is going on? Is G-d bringing                                      common aspirations to connect to the                                    A beautiful passage, but with one
another flood?”                                                         Messianic reality of overflowing '‫ַ ּד ַעת ה‬                            obvious problem. What were they
                                                                        (knowledge of G-d), palpable even to                                    thirsty for? This happened a few weeks
He answered that no, another flood                                      the animals. That is something yet to                                   before ‫ ַמ ֲע ַמד ַהר ִסי ַני‬, so how could they
is not on the horizon. “So what is it?”                                 occur in the animal kingdom.                                            be thirsty? There was no obligation to
Bilaam answers that G-d is giving the                                                                                                           learn anything yet! Rav Soloveitchik
Torah, His most prized possession,                                      At the time of ‫ ַמ ֲע ַמד ַהר ִסי ַני‬, the                              answers that a Jew’s connection to
to the Jews, ‫ה’ עֹז ְל ַע ּמ ֹו ִי ֵּתן‬, to which                       nations of the world witnessed ‫ַו ִּי ַחן‬                               Torah does not flow purely from
they answer ‫ה’ ְי ָבֵר ְך ֶאת ַע ּמ ֹו ַב ׁ ּ ָשל ֹום‬. “G-d             ‫ ׁ ָשם ִי ְ ׂשָר ֵאל ֶנ ֶגד ָה ָהר – ְּכ ִאי ׁש ֶא ָחד ְּב ֵלב ֶא ָחד‬,  the obligation to learn, but from an
should bless His nation with peace.”                                    “Israel encamped there in front of the                                  inborn, magnetic connection to the
What exactly is the give and take                                       mountain – as one person and with                                       Torah, the Divine word. Hence even
in this conversation? Why did the                                       one mind.” What did they think? They                                    before we formally received the Torah,
nations think there would be a flood?                                   only understood type #1 of unity.                                       we subconsciously yearned for its
What is the connection between ‫ַמ ֲע ַמד‬                                Hence they feared another flood.                                        power and purpose.
‫ ַהר ִסי ַני‬and a flood?                                                Bilaam tells them that this is a totally
                                                                        different type of ‫ ַא ְחד ּות‬, one based on                             As we ready ourselves for our own
Rav Meir Shapira answers by first                                       Torah, common goals, shared visions,                                    personal ‫( ַק ָּב ַלת ַה ּת ֹוָרה‬receiving of the
asking a different question. The                                        and mutual aspirations of connecting                                    Torah), let us allow the Torah to bind
prophet Isaiah (11:6) tells us that in                                  to the Creator on the deepest of levels.                                us to each other, to connect our hearts
Messianic times, all the animals will                                   They internalize what they have just                                    with Jews from all over the world, and
get along with each other. ‫ְו ָגר ְז ֵאב ִעם‬                            witnessed and exclaim ‫ה’ ְי ָבֵר ְך ֶאת ַע ּמ ֹו‬                        to connect to the Divine. Wherever a
‫ ֶּכ ֶב ׂש ְו ָנ ֵמר ִעם ְּג ִדי ִיְר ָּבץ‬, “The wolf shall             ‫ ַב ׁ ּ ָשל ֹום‬.                                                        Jew may find him or herself, the gift
dwell with the lamb, the leopard lie                                                                                                            of ‫ ִל ּמ ּוד ּת ֹוָרה‬can transport them into
down with the kid.” What an amazing                                     How fitting it is that Rav Shapira                                      a communal world of spiritual bliss –
description of an idyllic reality. But                                  authored this idea. Arguably, as the                                    the ultimate mechanism to connect to
surely it happened once before? On                                      founder of the Daf Yomi, the daily                                      the Creator of the World.
Noah’s ark, in which all the animals                                    Gemara learning program, he has done
lived together for an entire year. What                                 more than anyone over the past 100                                      Rabbi Shalom Rosner is a Rebbe at Yeshivat
then is so astounding about Isaiah’s                                    years to unify Jews from all walks of life
prophecy?                                                               through the medium of Torah study.                                      Kerem B’Yavneh and Rabbi of the Nofei

                                                                                                                                                HaShemesh community

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