Page 7 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 7
Rabbanit Shani Taragin
On Pesach, as we fulfilled the
Mishnaic dictum of ְוד ֹוֵר ׁש in the Torah, various commentators successful harvest (Seforno, Vayikra
ֵמ ֲאַר ִּמי אֹ ֵבד ָא ִבי, “And expounds identify the Aramean otherwise. 23:10).
from ‘My father was a wandering
Aramean,’” we recited the declaration The Rashbam (Devarim 26:5) The Ramban (Vayikra 23:17) notes
of Bikkurim accompanying the maintains that “a wandering Aramean that the loaves of Shavuot are brought
presentation of our first fruits (of was my father” refers to “Our father from chametz as a Todah offering,
the seven species of Eretz Yisrael) to Avraham originated from Aram. expressing our thanksgiving for our
the Beit HaMikdash, as it appears in He wandered in a state of exile from staples of existence – the Torah and
Devarim 26:5-10: Aram, as it states: ‘Go forth from the wheat of the Land. When we thank
your land’.” Ibn Ezra (ibid.) suggests G-d for the bounty of the present
“You shall then recite as follows before in a grammatical context that “the harvest, our future harvests are also
the L-rd your G-d: ‘My father was Aramean is Ya’akov, and the verses blessed (Rashi, Yirmiyahu 5:24).
a fugitive Aramean. He went down meaning is this: when Ya’akov was
to Egypt with meager numbers and in Aram, he was an “oved,” i.e. poor, The famous Chassidic master, Rabbi
sojourned there; but there he became penniless… and the point here is that I Yehudah Aryeh Leib Alter of Ger
a great and very populous nation. The did not inherit the land from my father (known as the Sfat Emet), explains
Egyptians dealt harshly with us and (Ya’akov) for he was poverty-stricken that the two loaves offered on Shavuot
oppressed us; they imposed heavy when he came to Aram. He was even a symbolize the duality we perceive
labor upon us. We cried to the L-rd, stranger in Egypt…” in creation: one signified Divine
the G-d of our fathers, and the L-rd blessings, the other the product of
heard our plea and saw our plight, our These opinions reflect a close reading man’s toil. On Shavuot, they were both
misery, and our oppression. The L-rd of the pshat (simple meaning) of the waved in gratitude towards heaven as
freed us from Egypt by a mighty hand, verses as they relate to the theme of an acknowledgment that both come
by an outstretched arm and awesome the declaration – the appreciation of from G-d (Bamidbar, Shavuot 5631,
power, and by signs and portents. He a national identity through the Land 5637).
brought us to this place and gave us of Israel. We thereby recount the days
this Land, a Land flowing with milk when our father (Avraham/Ya’akov) Unfortunately, today we do not have
and honey. Wherefore I now bring the was a wandering Aramean, in contrast the privilege of bringing our Bikkurim
first fruits of the soil which You, O to his progeny, who have merited to the Mikdash and reciting the
L-rd, have given me.’ You shall leave it settling in the Land as a fulfillment of declaration of thanksgiving. Nor do
before the L-rd your G-d and bow low G-d’s promises for a permanent abode. we bring the mincha chadasha as
before the L-rd your G-d.” an expression of gratitude to G-d for
This is one of the primary themes the wheat of the Land. However, we
Chazal (Sifrei, Devarim 301) explain of Shavuot – “Chag HaBikkurim” are not exempt from thanking G-d at
that “the Aramean” refers to Lavan the (Bamidbar 28:26). It is a time when this time for our national homeland.
Aramean who sought to uproot the we bring the first fruits/wheat crop Chag HaBikkurim is our Jewish
existence of my father, Ya’akov. of our harvest as an expression of “Thanksgiving” – after recounting our
“Thanksgiving” for the Land of days of wandering and oppression on
This is the homiletical reading we Israel. This is underscored through Pesach, we complete the proclamation
incorporate in the Midrashic portion the minchat shtei halechem sacrifice of Bikkurim on Shavuot with gratitude
of the Haggadah on Seder night as we whereupon two loaves of wheat to G-d for our homecoming!
focus on the perpetual threat of Jewish (chametz) are offered, representing
survival. the transition of Sefirat HaOmer – Rabbanit Shani Taragin is Educational
the counting from the Omer (barley) Director of Mizrachi and the Director of the
However, in the context of the offering to the wheat – mincha Mizrachi Matan Lapidot Educators’ Program
complete proclamation as written chadasha; prayers and anxiety
followed by appreciation for the
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