Page 8 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 8
Rabbi Hershel Schachter
According to various Tannaitic
opinions, there are certain Man is able to have a connection with who teaches the fetus the entirety of
mitzvot that have never Elokut. Of course, we must be careful the Torah while in its mother’s womb.
presented themselves and never will. to fulfill all the mitzvot of the Torah The moment before birth, the malach
These are the ben sorer uMoreh (the and be careful not to violate any of its taps it on its mouth to make the baby
rebellious son), the ir haNidachat prohibitions, but the ultimate purpose forget all this learning. We should
(the idolatrous city), and the bayit of all of the mitzvot is to serve as a not view the malach’s teachings as
haMenuga (the leprous house). description of Elokut. an act of futility, because the purpose
of the learning must be to form an
As the Gemara explains, there are so Hence, there were apparently certain impression on the Jew’s heart. It is to
many specific conditions for these aspects of Elokut – corresponding to implant the “hidden love” for G-d that
mitzvot to apply that it is virtually the three mitzvot mentioned above will stay with the child throughout
impossible for them to become a – that could not be simplified to the his or her entire life, and specifically
practical reality. The reason that these level of practical reality. They had to through Torah learning. One can
mitzvot are included in the Torah remain in their original state. That come to love G-d only after being
is so that ְ ּדר ֹו ׁש ְו ַק ֵּבל ָ ׂש ָכר, “We can is why they never occurred in reality exposed to His essence, and this is
expound them and receive a reward.” and never will. Still, they had to be accomplished through the medium of
This reason is difficult to grasp. Isn’t included in the body of the Torah His Torah.
there enough Torah study for which because all of the 613 mitzvot are
to receive reward, even without these necessary for the full description of Rav Soloveitchik explained further
three mitzvot? the image of G-d. It is obvious that if that this principle forms the basis
the purpose of the Torah were merely of the Rambam’s assertion that Bnei
Indeed, the Torah includes many to present all of the rules in G-d’s Yisrael are guaranteed to do teshuva
positive and negative mitzvot. lawbook, there would be no reason at the end of time. How can there be
However, those mitzvot are not really to include laws that have absolutely such a promise if we have a principle
the essence of the Torah. The essence no practical relevance. The fact that of faith that guarantees Man free will?
is to present Elokut (G-dliness), there is even one mitzvah that never The answer must be that at our very
a description of the Creator. For happened and never will happen sheds core, we – the Jewish people – do not
this reason, when Rav Soloveitchik light on the balance of the entire want to sin. Any sin committed runs
discovered something new in Torah, corpus of the mitzvot. This is what contrary to our true nature. Therefore,
he described it as if he felt that G-d the Gemara is teaching us by ְ ּדר ֹו ׁש the natural course of events is such
revealed Himself to him; as if he ְו ַק ֵּבל ָ ׂש ָכר. We must learn the lessons that the Jew, even though he has the
perceived a glimpse of Elokut at that of these three laws and extend that full ability to exercise his free will, will
time. The Rav felt that this should lead lesson to the rest of the Torah – that eventually return to his root nature.
the student of Torah to be overcome the essence of Torah is to teach us the This inner nature reflects the ַא ֲה ָבה
by a profound sense of humility, never ‘personality and characteristics’ of G-d ַה ֻּמ ְס ֶּתֶרתgleaned from the Torah study
arrogance. Himself. experienced even before birth, and we
are bidden to subsequently intensify
The overwhelming majority of the The Tanya elaborates on an important this love for G-d through Torah
laws of the Torah were given on a principle – every Jew has an innate learning throughout our lives.
level that Man can understand and hidden love, ַא ֲה ָבה ַה ֻּמ ְס ֶּתֶרת, for G-d. Rav
practically experience. In this way, Soloveitchik felt that the source of this Rabbi Hershel Schachter is Rosh Yeshiva
love is the act of the malach (angel),
and Rosh Kollel at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University
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