Page 10 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 10


                                                                                                                                 Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon


Afew years ago, I went to Cyprus           And he answered: “Because if the                                                      the rich and vibrant spiritual reality it
         for a meeting of religious        Temple was on the Temple Mount,                                                       represented.
         leaders – rabbis, priests and     then you were there before us, and so
qadis from Israel. The purpose of the      we must evacuate the place and give it                                                But when it comes to memory there
trip was to talk about topics we have      to you!”                                                                              is a great concern. People usually
in common, in order to reduce the                                                                                                remember things that were and can
existing tensions and increase calm                              •••                                                             no longer be. Obviously the most
and mutual respect in Israel.                                                                                                    prominent is a memorial day for
                                           “Jerusalem at the forefront of our                                                    the dead (of course, we expect the
I was asked to give a lecture about        minds.” How does one make that                                                        resurrection of the dead, but in the
Jerusalem. I decided not to get into       happen? The Mishna (Rosh Hashanah                                                     simple, immediate sense it is about the
trouble. I do not like provocations,       85a) says that a “remembrance of the                                                  memory of a past that is no longer.)
shouting arguments or quarrelling with     Mikdash” is required, and therefore
people. So I decided to only talk about    Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai                                                            The verse makes it clear that
Jerusalem of the past, and not relate to   mandated that the Four Species be                                                     remembering Jerusalem is not a
the present or the future at all.          taken throughout the entire week of                                                   reminder of the past, but rather that
                                           Sukkot and in every place (not only in                                                it must be face to face with the future.
I began the lecture with a presentation    the Temple).                                                                          We remember in order to demand
and explanation of Mount Moriah, the                                                                                             and to assert, to keep in mind that
site of the Akeida (Binding of Isaac),     The Talmud asks why we need to                                                        Jerusalem is always ours and that it
and the explanation of where the           remember the Mikdash and bases                                                        will, G-d willing, be returned to us.
Temple was. And suddenly… shouts!          this remembrance on the verse from                                                    This is not just a memory of the past,
Riots! Screams! The qadis were going       Jeremiah (30:17):                                                                     but a longing and a demand that “the
wild. I didn’t understand what the fuss                                                                                          Temple will soon be built.”
was all about. I had barely begun...       ‫ִּכי ַא ֲע ֶלה ֲאֻר ָכה ָל ְך ּו ִמ ַּמ ּכ ֹו ַת ִי ְך ֶאְר ָּפ ֵא ְך ְנ ֻאם ה’ ִּכי‬
                                                       .‫ִנ ָ ּד ָחה ָקְרא ּו ָל ְך ִצ ּי ֹון ִהיא ּ ֹדֵר ׁש ֵאין ָל ּה‬           Jerusalem needs to be at the forefront
One of the qadis stood up and said:                                                                                              of our minds. If things are clear to
“The Temple was not on the Temple          “For I will restore health to you, And I                                              us, then G-d willing and with many
Mount!”                                    will heal you of your wounds, says the                                                prayers, we will soon merit the
                                           L-rd; because they have called you an                                                 building of Jerusalem.
I told him: “It is a simple fact that the  outcast: ‘She is Zion, there is none that
Temple was on the Temple Mount – a         cares for her.’”                                                                      ‫ ְו ִתׁ ְש ּכ ֹון ְּבתוׁ ָכ ּה‬,‫ְו ִליר ּו ׁ ָש ַל ִים ִעיְר ָך ְּבַר ֲח ִמים ָּתׁש ּוב‬
clear historical fact, an archaeological                                                                                         ‫ ּו ְב ֵנה א ֹו ָת ּה ְּב ָקר ֹוב ְּב ָי ֵמינ ּו ִּב ְנ ַין‬,‫ַּכ ֲא ׁ ֶשר ִ ּד ַּבְר ָּת‬
fact, and there are also ancient Muslim    Why does a verse need to teach us that
sources that cite this very clearly.”      we need a memorial of the Temple?                                                                                                .‫ע ֹו ָלם‬
                                           Isn’t that obvious?
But he stood firm, declaring: “The                                                                                               “To Jerusalem, Your city, may You
Temple was not on the Temple               It turns out that it is not enough                                                    return with mercy and dwell in the
Mount!”                                    that the verse allows us to create                                                    midst of it, as You have spoken, and
                                           a remembrance of the Mikdash,                                                         build it soon and in our days.”
When I saw that I could not convince       but rather it must define what
him, I asked him, “Why do you care         constitutes a remembrance. The                                                        Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Head of Mizrachi’s
where the Temple was? Why are you          simple understanding is that we                                                       Shalhevet Educational Advisory Board and
so angry?”                                 mentally remember the Temple; we                                                      Chairman of Sulamot
                                           internally remember what it was and
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