Page 14 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 14
Dr. David Pelcovitz
• Disciplinary style: A lax approach to RECOMMENDATION
In a survey of almost 1,500 Orthodox watching or disciplining grandchildren
Jewish couples in the United States, can lead to discomfort on the part Take an active role in educating your
researchers found that close to 40 of a parent who is used to a more spouse about your family of origin’s
percent of couples in our community structured style of raising children. rules. It is easy to forget that in dealing
report conflict over in-laws to be a with our parents, we have the benefit
significant source of marital conflict. Rigid in-laws might pose difficulty of decades of learning to accommodate
Early in a marriage, the default setting for a son-in-law or daughter-in-law to their emotional needs, demands
is to assume that the new family will regarding issues such as: and unique idiosyncrasies. Often our
be governed by a similar set of rules accommodation to their personalities
and expectations that characterized • Formality: In-laws might stand on is so much a part of us that we don’t
their family of origin. Yet families are ceremony if a son-in-law or daughter- even realize how we have molded our
inherently different. Research in family in-law isn’t careful about calling, behavior to minimize conflict and
psychology finds that the two main remembering birthdays, etc. They also maximize effective communication.
organizing influences of families are might be less understanding regarding Bring a high level of empathy to your
rule structure – ranging from rigid to lack of promptness and more likely to spouse, who doesn’t have the benefit of
chaotic – and emotional closeness – get upset at a perception of overly lax this experience and is often expected
ranging from enmeshed to disengaged. parenting style when spending time to “instantly” master this complex and
If one comes from a family that is at their children’s home. In turn, their often inscrutable code of conduct.
compulsive about time and emotionally discipline might be viewed as too
distant, it can come as a shock to be controlling, overprotective or rigid This means that the crucial ingredient in
exposed to in-laws who might be when watching grandchildren. managing the often-inevitable challenges
perceived as intrusive and chaotic. of getting used to an alien family style is
Another major potential source of open communication between spouses.
The key is not to see the inevitably conflict is in the area of emotional Spouses should explore a plan for dealing
different family culture as better connectedness. If a family is overly with frustration in part by managing their
or worse but rather as a variation close, often referred to by family expectations and not pathologizing a
on the theme of normal. Once one therapists as “enmeshed,” the potential situation where “different” doesn’t mean
pathologizes this difference as a difficulties might coalesce around crazy or insensitive.
“defect,” one’s spouse is likely to potential sources of conflict such as
respond by seeing this issue as one of unexpected visits, prolonged visits, Perhaps the most important point
divided loyalties where they have to or a set of expectations of closeness is that validation isn’t the same as
choose between spouse and parents. from a son-in-law or daughter-in- agreement. When one calmly listens
This can lead to defensiveness, and law with a “psychological allergy” to and validates spouses who are upset
escalation of conflict is likely to follow. closeness that the child might perceive with in-laws, the son or daughter
as smothering. doesn’t have to feel a need to defend
HIERARCHY CHALLENGES their parent. This isn’t a lack of loyalty
The other extreme of emotional to parents. It is simply supporting a
The rule structure of a family can closeness is lack of connection. In spouse while helping them understand
range from rigid to chaotic. In-laws such families, in-laws might feel that an alien culture.
with a chaotic style might pose visiting their children a few times a
difficulty for a son-in-law or daughter- year and an occasional call is more (Some of the ideas in this article are based on
in-law regarding issues such as: than sufficient. This can easily be
viewed as uncaring to a son-in-law the work of Dr. Rona Novick.)
• Time management: This might be or daughter-in-law who comes from
manifested by in-laws being chronically a family with a warmer emotional Dr. David Pelcovitz holds the Gwendolyn
late in arriving for Shabbat, showing up temperature. and Joseph Straus Chair in Psychology
to watch the children, etc.
and Jewish Education at the Azrieli
Graduate School of Jewish Education and
Administration at Yeshiva University
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