Page 11 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 11
Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
EWmhaennatWe firllotmheYWeroursdhaolfayGim-d?
Jerusalem is the eternal city. The and discovers it for himself. Only they shall hear about Your great name
holy city. The capital of the State of then does Jerusalem become “the and Your mighty hand and Your
Israel. It is the city that generations place that G-d will choose.” From outstretched arm – when he comes
have longed to rebuild and the city here we understand that the choice of to pray toward this House... grant
towards which Jews pray wherever Jerusalem is intrinsically connected to all that the foreigner asks You for.
they are in the world. the kingdom of the House of David. Thus all the peoples of the earth will
know Your name and revere You, as
There is no doubt that Jerusalem is The kingdom of David is a kingdom does Your people Israel; and they will
a city of great significance in Jewish which unites all of Israel for the first recognize that Your name is attached
culture. Surprisingly however, it is not time. A kingdom in which the king to this House that I have built” (Kings
mentioned at all in the Torah. And leads the people in a practical way I 8:41-43).
even in the days of Joshua, it is not while being connected to G-d with
clear whether it was conquered, and all his soul. Thus, he expresses his Jerusalem is chosen and becomes a
was certainly not a city of importance. mission of implementing the kingdom spiritual center for the entire world
of G-d in the earthly world. Only when the people of Israel have genuine
The city of Jerusalem only begins to when the people of Israel are united, leadership.
be significant during the reign of King connected to G-d, and headed by a
David. leader and spiritual figure alike, is it Why is this? Because the Jewish
possible to choose one central place people are supposed to serve as an
In Samuel II (Chapter 5), David in which the Shechina rests within the example to humanity as a whole;
conquers Jerusalem in a complex people of Israel. of the ability to live in this world
heroic conquest and turns it into the naturally, with a profound connection
capital of his kingdom. Immediately With the construction of the Temple to G-d. Accordingly, the king of Israel
after this, he brings the Ark of G-d in Jerusalem, in the days of Solomon, is not a king “like all other nations,”
to Jerusalem and begins preparations Jerusalem becomes the spiritual center but rather a king who represents the
for the construction of the Temple in of the people of Israel, through which kingdom of G-d in this world, which
Jerusalem, which will only be built by the Jewish people pray to G-d for all connects heaven and earth.
his son Solomon. their needs, as Solomon describes
in his prayer at the dedication of the Only when the people of Israel are
From that moment, Jerusalem Mikdash: led in such a way can Jerusalem, the
became the central city of the Davidic central city of the kingdom of Israel,
kingdom, and of all the people of “In any prayer or supplication offered become a spiritual center for the entire
Israel, to this day. To the extent that by any person among all Your people world, as Isaiah foresaw: “And the
we barely remember it was only Israel – each of whom knows his own many peoples shall go and say: ‘Come,
chosen in David’s time. affliction – when he spreads his palms Let us go up to the Mount of the L-rd,
toward this House, oh, hear in Your to the House of the G-d of Jacob; that
Why? heavenly abode…” (Kings I 8:38-39). He may instruct us in His ways, and
that we may walk in His paths.’ For
The Torah says several times that However, Solomon says more than instruction shall come forth from
the worship of G-d should be that. The Beit HaMikdash will be a Zion, The word of the L-rd from
concentrated in one place only, ַה ָּמק ֹום spiritual center for the entire world: Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3).
’ ֲא ׁ ֶשר ִי ְב ַחר ה, “The place that G-d will
choose,” but surprisingly this “place” “Or if a foreigner who is not of Your Rabbanit Sharon Rimon teaches Tanach
is not revealed. Seemingly, the Torah people Israel comes from a distant and is Content Editor for the Tanach website
waits until David arrives at “the place” land for the sake of Your name – for
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