Page 19 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 19

Allen Fagin

Recrea‫ד‬ti‫ח‬nָ g‫ ֶא‬th‫ב‬e‫ ֵל‬M‫ְּב‬o‫ד‬m‫ ָח‬e‫א‬nֶ t‫ְּכ ִאיׁש‬
The giving of the Torah at Mount
         Sinai was the seminal moment               ‫ֹלא ָמ ָצא ַה ָּקד ֹו ׁש ָּבר ּו ְך ה ּוא ְּכ ִלי ַמ ֲח ִזיק ְּבָר ָכה‬  Shavuot is a time to take stock not
         in our nation’s history and the            ‫ ְל ִי ְ ׂשָר ֵאל ֶא ָּלא ַה ׁ ּ ָשל ֹום‬, “G-d did not find             only of our covenantal relationship
pillar on which the Jewish faith rests.             a vessel that can contain blessing                                      with G-d, but of our relationship to
It was then that G-d entered into an                for Israel, save for peace.”5 Peace,                                    our fellow Jews. Shavuot is a time to
eternal covenant with His people, and               mutual respect and communal civility                                    strive to recreate that sublime moment
we became bound to Him forever.                     comprise the prescription for G-d’s                                     in our history when we stood together
But there is another covenantal                     bountiful blessings in this world.                                      at Sinai – like one man with one heart.
relationship that was formed at Sinai,
one that is often overshadowed by our               Unfortunately, in the current                                           As Jews, we should serve as an
covenant with G-d – the covenant that               environment, the vision of ‫ַא ְחד ּות‬                                   example of the ideals of peace and
every Jew made with every other Jew.                ‫( ִי ְ ׂשָר ֵאל‬Jewish unity) has been sorely                            mutual respect that the Torah teaches,
Chazal teach us that at Mount Sinai                 taxed. Our communities are often                                        and the honor and dignity due to
we became ‫ ֲעֵר ִבים ֶזה ְל ֶזה‬, “responsible       fragmented and disconnected. Civility                                   every man and woman. The word
for each other.”1 At that pivotal                   and mutual respect have been replaced                                   ‫ ְיר ּו ׁ ָש ַל ִים‬contains within it the root
moment in history, when we stood at                 by ever-escalating diatribes and                                        for both “whole” and “peace,” and it
the foot of the mountain ‫ְּכ ִאי ׁש ֶא ָחד ְּב ֵלב‬  the demonization of any who hold                                        is ‫ ְיר ּו ׁ ָש ַל ִים‬that represents the ideal of
‫ ֶא ָחד‬, “like one man with one heart”2             viewpoints contrary to our own. Just                                    peace we aspire to. When the Temple
– we became bound to each other in                  a year ago, the president of a leading                                  stood, Jews from all walks of life, from
unity and mutual obligation forever.                international Jewish organization,                                      multiple communities, would join
                                                    himself a noted and remarkably                                          together in a common cause and unite
In fact, the ‫( ל ּוח ֹות ַה ְּבִרית‬the two          generous philanthropist, wrote a New                                    in the shared experience of ‫ ֲע ִל ָּיה ָלֶר ֶגל‬.
Tablets) themselves demonstrate the                 York Times op-ed decrying “Israel’s
duality of our fidelities. The first five           capitulation to religious extremists.”                                  ‫ ְיר ּו ׁ ָש ַל ִים ַה ְּבנ ּו ָיה ְּכ ִעיר ׁ ֶש ֻח ְּבָרה ָּל ּה ַי ְח ָ ּדו‬,
commandments etched on the first                    He later apologized. The former                                         “Jerusalem built up, a city knit
tablet instruct us in our relationship              president of one of America’s largest                                   together.”6 Today we are privileged to
with G-d, while the additional five                 Jewish organizations wrote in Haaretz                                   once again see Yerushalayim rebuilt
etched on the second tablet instruct                that “the ultra-Orthodox political                                      and reunited, and may the festivals
us in our relationship with our fellow              leadership” in Israel were destroying                                   of Shavuot and Yom Yerushalayim
man. These tablets, side by side,3                  the State. Is this what G-d expected of                                 inspire us to come together as one
jointly remind us that our relationship             us at Sinai?                                                            nation with one heart, to merit the
with our brothers and sisters is                                                                                            words of the Psalmist:
just as vital and compelling as our                 What is most unfortunate is that it
relationship with G-d. Perhaps even                 often takes tragedy to give us reason                                   ‫ ְי ִהי ׁ ָשל ֹום ְּב ֵחי ֵל ְך ׁ ַש ְל ָוה ְּב ַאְר ְמנ ֹו ָת ִי ְך‬, “May
more so.                                            to unite, and when we do, we come                                       there be peace within your walls and
                                                    together with the passion reserved                                      wellbeing within your citadels.”7
Chazal teach us that the people were                for the meeting of long-lost relatives
righteous in King David’s generation.               or friends, where warmth and love                                       1 Shevuot 39a, Sanhedrin 27b, and see
Yet they suffered casualties when                   for our fellow Jew are exuberantly                                      Midrash Tehillim 8:4.
they went to war. In contrast, the                  expressed. Terrorist attacks in Israel,
generation of Achav were idol-                      a hurricane in Houston, mass murder                                     2 Rashi, Exodus 19:2.
worshippers, yet they were victorious               in Pittsburgh or a shooting in Poway
when they went to war. The difference               – at such times we unite as one, as the                                 3 See Ramban, Exodus 20:12.
was that in David’s generation there                family the Jewish people are and have
was communal discord, while during                  committed to being. But must we wait                                    4 Yerushalmi, Peah 1:1.
Achav’s generation there was peace.4                for tragedy and suffering to remind us
                                                    that we are one people?                                                 5 Mishna, Uktzin 3:22.

                                                                                                                            6 Psalms 122:3.

                                                                                                                            7 Psalms 122:7.

                                                                                                                            Allen Fagin is the Executive Vice President
                                                                                                                            of the Orthodox Union

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