Page 35 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 35

r Rambam, Hilchot Shemitta V’yovel                                                                          ‫רמב”ם | הל’ שמיטה ויובל‬1212
                                                                                                                                 ‫יג‬-‫יב‬:‫ יג‬
                                                                                         ?‫ ולמה לא זכה לוי בנחלת ארץ ישראל ּו ְב ִבי ָז ָת ּה עם אחיו‬.‫יב‬
12. Why did the Levites not receive a portion in the inheritance of Eretz Yisrael and    ‫מפני שהובדל לעבוד את ה’ לשרתו ולהורות דרכיו הישרים‬
in the spoils of war like their brethren? Because they were set aside to serve           ‫ “י ֹור ּו ִמ ׁ ְש ָּפ ֶטי ָך ְל ַי ֲעקֹב‬:‫ שנאמר‬,‫ומשפטיו הצדיקים לרבים‬
G-d and minister unto Him and to instruct people at large in His just paths              – ‫ לפיכך הובדלו מדרכי העולם‬.)‫ י‬,‫ְות ֹוָר ְת ָך ְל ִי ְ ׂשָר ֵאל” (דברים לג‬
and righteous judgments, as it is stated (Devarim 33:10): “They will teach Your          ‫ ולא זוכין לעצמן‬,‫ ולא נוחלין‬,‫לא עורכין מלחמה כשאר ישראל‬
judgments to Yaakov and Your Torah to Israel.” Therefore, they were set apart from       ,)‫ יא‬,‫ שנאמר “ ָּבֵר ְך ה’ ֵחיל ֹו” (שם שם‬,’‫ אלא הם חיל ה‬,‫בכח גופן‬
the ways of the world. They do not wage war like the remainder of the Jewish people,     ‫ שנאמר “אני חלקך ונחלתך” (במדבר‬,‫והוא ברוך הוא זוכה להם‬
nor do they receive an inheritance, nor do they acquire for themselves through their
physical power. Instead, they are G-d’s legion, as it is stated (Devarim 33:11): “G-d                                                            .)‫ כ‬,‫יח‬
has blessed His legion,” and He provides for them, as it is stated (Bamidbar 18:20):
“I am your portion and your inheritance.”                                                ‫ אשר‬,‫ אלא כל איש ואיש מכל באי העולם‬,‫ ולא שבט לוי בלבד‬.‫יג‬
13. Not only the tribe of Levi, but any one of the inhabitants of the world whose        ‫ ְו ֵה ִבינ ֹו ַמ ָ ּדע ֹו להיבדל לעמוד לפני ה’ לשרתו‬,‫נדבה רוחו אותו‬
spirit generously motivates him, and he understands with his wisdom to set               ‫ ופרק‬,‫ והלך ישר כמו שעשהו האלהים‬,’‫ולעובדו לדעה את ה‬
himself aside and stand before G-d to serve Him and minister to Him and to               ‫מעל צווארו עול החשבונות הרבים אשר בקשו בני האדם – הרי‬
know G-d, and he proceeds justly as G-d made him, and removes the yoke from his          ‫ ויהיה ה’ חלקו ונחלתו לעולם ולעולמי‬,‫זה נתקדש קדש קדשים‬
neck of the many reckonings that people seek, he is sanctified as holy of holies. G-d    ‫ כמו שזכה‬,‫ ִוי ַז ֶּכה לו בעולם הזה דבר המספיק לו‬,‫עולמים‬
will be His portion and heritage forever and will provide what is sufficient for him in  ‫ ֶח ְל ִקי ְוכ ֹו ִסי‬-‫ “ ְמ ָנת‬:‫ הרי דוד עליו השלום אומר‬.‫לכהנים ללוויים‬
this world like He provided for the priests and the Levites. And thus David declared
(Tehillim 16:5): “[G-d] is the lot of my portion; You are my cup, You support my lot.”                               .)‫ ה‬,‫ַא ָּתה ּת ֹו ִמי ְך ּג ֹוָר ִלי” (תהלים טז‬

The Bi’ur Halacha agrees with the Rambam that certain individuals who desire to dedicate their life to Torah may do so, though he adds that this
is especially pertinent if others have already expressed willingness to support them.

a  Bi’ur Halacha, Orach Chaim 156:1                                                                          ‫א‬:‫ביאור הלכה | או”ח קנו‬1313

Will ultimately be abolished and cause sin – The sefarim (halachic works) have           ‫ שזהו נאמר לכלל‬,‫סופה בטלה וגוררת עוון – כתבו הספרים‬
written that this is referring to the general population, as not everyone merits to      ‫ להיות‬,‫ שאין כולם יכולים לזכות לעלות למדרגה רמה זו‬,‫העולם‬
ascend to the lofty level of engaging in Torah study alone. But certain individuals      ‫ אבל אנשים יחידים יוכל להימצא בכל‬.‫עסקם רק בתורה לבדה‬
can be in this state constantly. And this is what they said in Berachot: Many have       ‫ “הרבה עשו כרשב”י‬:):‫עת באופן זה [וזהו שאמרו בברכות (לו‬
done like Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai and did not succeed, meaning that “many”               ‫ והקב”ה בוודאי‬,]”‫ רצונם לומר – דווקא “הרבה‬,”‫ולא עלתה בידן‬
[but not all]. And the Holy One, blessed be He will certainly provide them with          ’‫ וכעין זה כתב הרמב”ם פרק יג מהל‬,‫ימציא להם פרנסתם‬
their livelihood. The Rambam writes similarly: And not only the tribe of Levi,           ‫ ובפרט‬.‫ עיין שם‬,’‫ “ולא שבט לוי בלבד” וכו‬:‫שמיטין ויובלות‬
etc.; see there. And especially if people who are willing to provide him with            ‫אם כבר נמצאו אנשים שרוצים להספיק לו צרכיו כדי שיעסוק‬
his sustenance so that he can study Torah have already been found, certainly
this [the statement of the Shulchan Aruch] is not relevant, and [the model of]                       .‫ ויששכר וזבולון יוכיח‬,‫בתורה – בוודאי לא שייך זה‬
Yissachar and Zevulun proves it. 3

According to the Rambam and Bi’ur Halacha, it seems that although the Shulchan Aruch and many other sources favor the approach of earning a
livelihood combined with Torah study for most, anyone who feels he is prepared to devote his life to Torah study and can find a means of support
may do so. This is the basis for the practice of all those who study in kollel full-time for many years.

Despite the declaration of the Rambam, Rav Kook writes in Ayin Aya, his commentary on the Aggadic portions of Masechtot Berachot and
Shabbat, that based on the statement of Abaye in the Gemara Berachot (that many were unsuccessful in engaging in Torah alone and supporting
themselves), it seems that only a minute number of individuals can truly reach the level of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai where they study Torah and
their needs are provided for them by others. Rav Kook explains that the Torah was not given to angels but to humans. Therefore, the rules of the
Torah follow the majority of the population and dictate that most individuals should earn a livelihood normally.

3.  As is well known, the tribe of Yissachar studied and taught Torah, while the tribe of Zevulun, who were merchants, provided their sustenance for them, and also received a portion of their reward for
    Torah study. This subject will be discussed in more detail in the next shiur, as will additional considerations concerning studying in kollel in contemporary times. [Addition of the English editors]

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