Page 39 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 39



The story of Eliyahu Koren and his flagship publication, The Koren Tanakh

When Eliyahu Korngold                     the Torah while restoring ‘ownership’                                       became the official Tanakh on which
              made aliyah, he was         of the Hebrew Bible to the Jewish                                           the President of Israel took his oath,
              passionate about a number   people.                                                                     while the Israeli Rabbinate named it
of things, primarily art, the Hebrew                                                                                  as the authoritative Tanakh for the
letter and Jerusalem. He left Germany                     The official Israeli stamp for                              most accurate Haftarah readings. To
in 1933, changed his last name to                    The Koren Tanakh’s 50th anniversary                              this very day, troops in the IDF receive
Koren and set sail for Eretz Yisrael.                                                                                 a personal copy of the Koren Tanakh
                                          For Eliyahu Koren, it was time the                                          at their induction ceremonies. With
For Mr. Koren, Jerusalem was the          words of the prophet Isaiah came to                                         this juxtaposition of physical and
manifestation of beauty and tradition.    life: ‫ ִּכי ִמ ִּצ ּי ֹון ֵּת ֵצא ת ֹוָרה ּו ְד ַבר ה' ִמיר ּו ׁ ָש ָ‍לִם‬,  spiritual, The Koren Tanakh became
It was a city that represented vitality,  “For out of Zion shall the Torah                                            a symbol of Zionism and the revival
rebirth and promise for the Jewish        go forth and the word of G-d from                                           of the Jewish people in their national
people as a whole. He began working       Jerusalem” (Isaiah 2:3). He designed a                                      homeland.
at the Jewish National Fund (KKL),        gold logo for the spine of his Tanakh
designing graphic elements that           which would shine the crown of                                              Today, Koren Publishers Jerusalem
became iconic to the State, including     Jerusalem.                                                                  continues to bring the Hebrew
the first official stamp of Israel and    The world would know that Jerusalem                                         letter to life. Still headquartered in
Jerusalem’s official coat of arms, still  was at the heart of the company.                                            Jerusalem, the company most recently
in use today.                             Mr. Koren’s remarkable design                                               modernized the Rashi script, based
                                          of the Hebrew lettering and ‫ִנ ּק ּוד‬                                       on sketches originally designed by
Mr. Koren eventually launched his         (vowelization) won the attention of                                         Mr. Koren. Rashi’s original text was
own company, Koren Publishers             leading dignitaries. The Koren Tanakh                                       restored, rectifying printing errors
Jerusalem, as he prepared to reveal                                                                                   seen in most other Humashim. Like
his flagship project to the world: The                                                                                the other Koren fonts, the text is crisp,
Koren Tanakh (the English translation                                                                                 contemporary and legible. It can be
is known as The Jerusalem Bible).                                                                                     seen in The Steinsaltz Humash and in
Published in 1962, The Koren Tanakh                                                                                   upcoming projects.
became the first Hebrew Bible to be
produced entirely by Jews in 500 years                                                                                Now, more than 50 years later,
and the first Tanakh published in the                                                                                 students of all ages continue to use
new State of Israel. Prior to that time,                                                                              The Koren Tanakh and especially
most versions of the Hebrew Bible had                                                                                 love the new colorful editions. On
been produced by Christian publishers                                                                                 bookshelves around the world, the
and were rife with printing errors.                                                                                   gold Koren logo shines, reminding us
Determined to rectify these mistakes,                                                                                 that, like Eliyahu Koren, our center
Koren worked on the Tanakh for two                                                                                    and passion as a people will always be
decades, consulting with experts                                                                                      Jerusalem.
on medieval manuscripts, Hebrew
grammarians, copyeditors, and                                                                                           SPECIAL FOR HAMIZRACHI READERS!
opticians so he could to develop the
most accurate, legible design. He                                                                                                   Get an extra 10% off any
aspired to revitalize the Hebrew letter                                                                                             item on the Koren Publishers
with a new, precise font that would                                                                                                 website when you use the
reflect the sacredness and majesty of                                                                                               promo code MIZRACHI. Offer
                                                                                                                                    valid on orders in the US and
                                                                                                                                    Canada, until June 30, 2019.

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