Page 44 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 44

Yaniv                                       FLYING
                                            TO ISRAEL

Editor’s note: Our resident, totally unofficial Israeli guide brings you insights into a lighter side of the Israeli
experience you won’t likely find in the usual news sources. Yaniv will also respond to readers’ questions and

               observations (non-halachic of course). He can be reached at Enjoy!

Q: I’m planning on taking my first trip to  Ben-Gurion – for whom the airport          do usually get to where you’re going
                                            is named – spinning in his grave; he       – unless it gets too close to Shabbat,
Israel this summer. Any flying tips?        craved silence, which is why he retired    and then you’ll land at whatever
                                            to the stillness of Sde Boker.             airport is still in daylight. (On any
A: Dear Unsuspecting First-Time Traveler,                                              flight leaving from Wednesday on, I
                                            More than 100 different airlines           always take along challah and a bottle
The first thing you should know             service BG, but the most well-known,       of grape juice, just in case.) Along the
         is that Israel likes to travel.    of course, is El Al. If you’ve never       way, children will merrily play in the
         No, that is not a typo; I really   flown the state’s official airline,        aisles, the person in front of you will
do mean Israel, not just Israelis. If       then you are in for, well, let’s just say  recline into your lap for several hours
it seems like the entire country is         you better buckle your seat and get        and, if you were lucky enough to score
moving, it is – no less than 50% of         ready for – anything. Imagine a huge       an aisle seat, the person seated at the
the population traveled abroad in the       Brooklyn tenement house turned             window will need to use the bathroom
past year, to virtually every corner of     horizontal, with wings attached, and       17 times – all between midnight and 6
the planet (except for the 15 countries     you’re starting to get the picture.        am.
that bar Israelis from entering, as if      Overheads are overloaded, seat
we’d want to go there!). The booming        selection is largely up for grabs – “I’m   But all this is good prep for the days
economy, the strength of the shekel         not sitting next to that person!” – and    and weeks you’ll spend in the Holy
versus most other currencies, and the       there’s so much schmoozing going on        Land; by the time you escape – I mean
natural wanderlust of the average Jew       and Jewish Geography being played          exit – the plane, you’ll be ready to face
combine to make this a nation on the        that it seems the plane will never take    just about anything you encounter on
move – literally.                           off. Please note, no matter what you       the streets and highways of our fair
                                            might have heard, the initials ELAL do     land. Maybe that’s why El Al’s slogan
And even as masses of Israelis perform      not stand for “Every Landing Always        is, “Hachi BaBayit BaOlam, we’re just
their personal Exodus out of the            Late.”                                     like home anywhere in the world!”
country, more and more tourists are                                                    Gulp.
coming in – a record 4,100,000 landed       But the stewards and stewardesses
here in 2018. All told, more than 23        (stewardi?) have nerves of steel, the      Feel free to send me any other
million people passed through Israeli       pilots are used to flying in combat
passport control last year. Which           situations, and the food is kosher, if     perplexing questions you have:
means the airport is always crowded,        not gourmet, and so eventually you
which might have dear old David                                              

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