Page 42 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 42


                                                                                             Gil Hoffman


                                                     ON THE ELECTIONS

         f there was ever an election where   a flourishing economy. 2018 was a   allow that. This means that any peace
         Binyamin Netanyahu ran the         record year for tourism, the security   process similar to those attempted
     Irisk of losing, it was this one.      situation is not as bad as it could have   in  the past  will  not call for  major
      Netanyahu faced two sets of three –   been, and our diplomatic situation    concessions on the Israeli side.
      three former IDF Chiefs of Staff and   in the world is far from the isolation
      three criminal investigations that had   previously predicted.              2. The government will largely stay the
      all resulted in indictments pending a                                       same as the last government. We will
      hearing. One would have thought this   In Israeli society, one of the worst   likely have the same Finance Minister,
      combination would have meant the      things you can be is a  frier, a sucker.   Defense Minister, Interior Minister
      end of his political career.          Israelis see Netanyahu as the opposite   and obviously the same Prime
                                            of a  frier. Netanyahu did a very good   Minister.
      If you look back over the last 40 years,   job taking the wind out of the sails of
      the only time Likud has lost elections   the criminal investigations.       WHAT  THE RESULTS MEAN FOR  THE
      was to former IDF Chiefs of Staff
      – Yitzchak Rabin and Ehud Barak.      His voters also believe in the concept   DIASPORA
      The anomaly was the 2006 election,    of “innocent until proven guilty.” If   The overwhelming majority of Jews
      when Ehud Olmert was elected on the   you compare the polls from before     in the United States are left-wing
      coattails of Ariel Sharon, who had a   and after the announcement of the    progressives who  are not religiously
      stroke. People were really voting for   indictments, Netanyahu did not      observant. This election will distance
      Sharon, another general.              go down at all. Those who were
                                            disgusted by the investigations had   them. It says that Israel is moving
      Netanyahu surviving these two sets of   already decided long ago not to vote   towards the right – the Ultra-
      three meant that Likud did very well.   for Netanyahu. Those who thought    Orthodox parties increased their
      They increased their representation   the investigations were ridiculous    influence from 13 seats to 16 seats. A
      from 30 seats to 35, which is  a great   and in any other country would     recent Pew survey found that while
      accomplishment and shows that the     barely  be  a topic  of  discussion, had   there is still a majority of Americans
      Israeli people have great confidence   already decided they would vote for   who view Israel favorably (64%
      in their leader. The Right won a      Netanyahu. This implies that the      compared to 28%), when asked about
      solid  victory  over the Left – 65  seats   investigations had no real impact upon   the Israeli government only 39% gave
      versus 55 seats. Netanyahu was        the elections.                        positive feedback versus 51% negative.
      recommended by enough parties to be   Netanyahu is also a talented and      This is not likely to change in the
      entrusted by President Reuven Rivlin   skilled  campaigner who understands   immediate future.
      to form a government. This shows      his political base very well indeed.
      that the Israeli public is moving more                                      Additionally, the Modern Orthodox
      towards the Right. Having rockets fall   Most Israelis apparently need a leader   community lost Naftali Bennett,
      on Tel Aviv and the poor treatment we   who has experience. They did not    their best representative in the
      have received from the Palestinians   want to risk putting Benny Ganz,      Israeli government. There is now no
      and by much of the international      someone with no political experience,   Religious Zionist English speaker who
      community will do that to a people.   into power.                           understands the American Jewish
                                                                                  community. I think Bennett will be

                                                                                  Gil  Hoffman  is  the  chief  political
      People realized that the economy has   1. Any future peace plan will not call   correspondent and analyst of The Jerusalem
      been growing under Netanyahu. We      for Jewish people to evacuate their   Post and the only speaker known to have
      only have 3.9% unemployment and       homes. A right-wing coalition cannot   lectured about Israel in all 50 states

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