Page 38 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 38

Rabbi Chaim Navon

      THU DER                                                                                                                              Photo: Oren Barkai
When G-d came to give the                                                          would say the eternal words that
              Torah at Sinai, all the     voice, will never know how to look up    pierced their path through the heart:
              voices and sounds came.     to G-d.”                                 “See, I set before you this day life
This one said, the Torah will be given                                             and prosperity, death and adversity...
in my voice, and that one said, the       In those days, the people will preach    Choose life, so you and your offspring
Torah will be given in my voice.          that everyone needs only to listen       would live” (Deuteronomy 30). There
                                          to his truth, do only what suits him,    is good and there is truth, and there is
The ring of the bells said, “There is     that everyone is a winner, everyone      also evil and lies. And whoever turns
none more tender than I, and none         succeeds and the world bows at your      his heart to the good will merit a life
who brings happiness and joy more         feet. Do not be mistaken, even in those  of blessing and meaning.
than me. Our Torah is gentle and          days the world will remain what it is –
joyous. The Torah will be given           a world in which there is no ‘my truth’  Indeed, there are generations in the
through me.”                              but only Truth; a world in which one     history of Israel who would be happy
                                          who does only what suits him lives       to find flowers and butterflies, violins
The tune of the violins said, “None is    a grievous life of loneliness, a world   and chirpings. But for that special
more harmonious than me, and none         where not everyone can be winners,       generation, the generation of ‘my
is more touching and moving than I        and no-one can always be a winner.       truth,’ there must also be thunder
am. Behold, our Torah is harmonious                                                in our Torah. The Torah must be a
and touches the hearts of its students    In that generation, from too much        source of authority, not a source of
and practitioners. The Torah will be      discussion about self-fulfillment,       inspiration.
given through my voice.”                  love, affection, and autonomy, parents
                                          will be afraid to say clear things to    “For the sake of that generation,”
The chirping of the birds said, “There    their children. Soft plants need a       concluded the thunder, “the Torah
is nothing more natural than me,          brace, which they rely on as they        must be given in my voice, a great
and there is none more pleasant and       grow. If instead of providing support    thundering sound. And perhaps my
romantic than me. The Torah will be       to young people, their parents and       friend will join me, the sound of the
given through me.”                        teachers tell them, ‘Do what you want,’  powerful shofar.”
                                          instead of growing tall, their branches
The thunder said, “I cannot speak         will shrivel early. They will be too     The chirping of the birds, the ringing
in this Midrashic format, but if you      embarrassed to say to the adults, “To    of the bells and the tune of the violins
let me speak normally, I will tell you    grow properly we must lean on you        had all been listening very attentively
why the Torah should be given in my       and learn from you.                      and now they lowered their eyes.
                                          In this world of confusion, only our     And G-d nodded His head and said,
The chirping, the tune, and the ring      Torah will remain. Torah that is not     “This is how My Torah will be given.
answered him with disdain: “Speak as      ashamed to say what is forbidden and     There will be voices and lightning and
you please.”                              what is permitted, what is proper and    a very loud trumpet, for the sake of the
                                          what is invalid. A Torah that teaches    last generations. And I wish they will
“It is true,” said the thunder, “that     us what human nature is, and on the      listen.”
in our holy Torah there is joy and        one hand how humans can distort and
harmony and grace and excitement.         spoil this nature, and transcend it on   (This article first appeared in Makor
But there will be a generation at         the other. In a generation imprisoned    Rishon in Hebrew.)
the End of Days that will need my         in the terrible phrase ‘my truth;’ in
thundering voice. A generation that       a generation in which good and evil      Rabbi Chaim Navon is a renowned author
if it does not receive the Torah in this  became rude words, only the Torah        and educator

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