Page 36 - HaMizrachi #10 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5779
P. 36
Jerusalem is “the place where G-d between the brothers and a profound Jerusalem, two years ago, Rabbi Aryeh
chose to dwell.” For the first time, and honest response to the sin of Stern, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem,
we encounter this choice at ֲע ֵק ַדת selling Yosef. said: “We commonly use the poetic
ִי ְצ ָחק, the Binding of Isaac, when G-d phrase of ‘Temple of the King of a
directs Avraham toward “one of the King David was able to reign in Royal City’ – – ִמ ְק ַ ּד ׁש ֶמ ֶל ְך ִעיר ְמל ּו ָכהto
mountains” in the “land of Moriah.” Hebron just as Shaul ruled in describe Jerusalem. In other words, a
Giva, in the territory of Binyamin, combination of holiness and royalty. It
Later on, in the book of Chronicles, we just as all the judges ruled from is clear to us that there is no point in
will learn that this is Mount Moriah, their hometowns. However, David monarchy without holiness, and that
which we know today, upon which the decided to leave Hebron and reign holiness does not have a place without
Temple was built (Chronicles 3:1). in Jerusalem, the city “which was not the kingdom.”
divided into tribes” (Bava Kama 82b).
We see that in the days of the Judges, The simple reason Jerusalem was not The word ׁ ָש ֵלם, “perfect” or “complete,”
Jerusalem was a Jebusite city, a foreign divided into tribes is that it took about lies in the name ְיר ּו ׁ ָש ַל ִים, and this can
city, and it was only during King 400 years from when Israel entered only be achieved by the realization of
David’s time that Jerusalem became the Land in the time of Joshua until both holiness and kingship. When this
part of the Kingdom of Israel. It David conquered Jerusalem from the ideal combination exists in practice,
would appear that King David did not Jebusites. However, the main reason Jerusalem radiates to all peoples
choose Jerusalem as a place of worship is that Jerusalem sits on the border throughout the world.
because of the deep connection to of Yehuda and Binyamin. Both tribes
the Akeida or because it is the “place shared Jerusalem and therefore neither From here in Jerusalem, one can see
chosen by G-d.” So why did David of them wanted to take it from the how everything is exalted and holy.
choose Jerusalem specifically as the other. Similar to those who stand on the
city of his kingdom? mountain and see all that is below.
King David decides to conquer the Thus, the prophet Isaiah stood in the
I would like to paraphrase an article city and connect these two rival tribes Temple and said, “The fullness of the
by Rabbi Yaakov Medan, Rosh Yeshivat in order to build the kingdom of whole earth is Your glory,” meaning
Har Etzion, “Why was Jerusalem Israel precisely out of the connection that it is precisely from this sacred
Chosen?” The article points to the between the tribes of Rachel and Leah. place that one can see how G-d
possibility that the answer to this radiates His light over the entire earth.
question occurred at the peak moment Hence Jerusalem was chosen twice,
of the encounter between Joseph and both times because of ְמ ִסיר ּות ֶנ ֶפ ׁש, In honor of Jerusalem, I pray that
and his brothers in Egypt, in which “selfless devotion.” we will understand how to combine
Yehuda tells Yosef that he is willing holiness and regality, the devotion
to replace Binyamin in captivity, Thanks to Avraham’s devotion in the of the soul and the unity and love
provided that no harm comes to his binding of Yitzchak, G-d chose that of every Jew wherever they are, and
youngest brother. Yehuda gives his location as the place of His Shechina, in that way may we merit complete
life to protect Binyamin at all costs. and thanks to Yehuda’s devotion to redemption speedily in our days.
This is the brotherhood and mutual his brother Binyamin, David chose
guarantee between the chosen son of Jerusalem, shared by the tribes of Gael Grunewald is Head of the Rural Growth
the ‘hated’ Leah and the remaining Yehuda and Binyamin, as his royal and Development Division of the WZO,
son of ‘beloved’ Rachel. This is a city. former Director of World Bnei Akiva and one
magical moment. A reversal of the of World Mizrachi’s representatives in the
story of jealousy and competition At the celebrations marking the 50th National Institutions
anniversary of the reunification of
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