Page 18 - HaMizrachi Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5782 USA
P. 18

When word arrived in the Chassidic                                and some  tzaddikim, though not
                   community that a certain Jewish                                   formally joining the Zionist movement,
                   doctor (Herzl) said it was time to bring                          began to support it by paying dues to
                   the people of Israel back to their land,                          Mizrachi and contributing to Keren
                   it became a joke: a “doctor” making                               HaYesod and Keren HaKayemet.
                   pronouncements about  Mashiach?!
                   But the humor quickly turned into                                 There are still many angry and
                   anger and hatred. Zionist speakers                                quarrelsome people who battle against
                   and agitators, among them irreligious                             Zionism, some (with pure motivations)
                   people, began to propagandize in the                              who do so  l’shem shamayim, some
                   Charedi community, and they did not                               because of  a  ridiculous  sense  of
                   hide  their  religious  views.  Zionist                           patriotism (toward their host
                   organizations were established in                                 countries) and still others because of
                   every city, transforming Chanukah                                 their allegiance to foreign ideologies.
                   into the “Holiday of the Maccabees”                               These people ignore the sufferings of
                   and replacing candle lighting with                                our people and the great dangers that
                   mixed dancing. The anger of the                                   threaten our very existence. How true
                   Chassidim grew and in Zionism they                                are the words of Rav Shlomo Efrayim
                   saw only heresy, incitement and                                   ben Aharon Luntshitz, in his sefer, the
                   mischief. In their anger, they did not                            Kli Yakar:
                   realize that they were throwing out   Rabbi Yaakov Friedman's sefer, Ohalei Yaakov.  For between the sin of the golden calf and
                   the baby with the bath water.                                     the sin of the spies, he has fallen, “they
                                                    fighting increased and Zionism
                   As the national idea grew and                                     are thrust down, and are not able to rise”
                   developed, so did the opposition.   became something small in the eyes   (Tehillim 36:13). For by the way of nature,
                   Zionists in many lands put forth   of the Chassidim. In those days, every   there are only two ways for (Am Yisrael)
                   candidates in elections for parliaments   ignoramus who sought honor in the   to be saved from the sting of the enemy:
                   and city councils, arousing the ire of   eyes of the people would speak with   either through the providence of Hashem,
                   the gentiles who were accustomed   fire and brimstone against the hated   Who saves all those who cling to Him even
                   to thinking of the Jews as (merely a   “tziyonim.”                if they are not naturally strong, because
                   religious group and) citizens of the   But then the Great War came,   they fulfill “and you shall love Hashem your
                   lands they are living in. Assimilationist   ultimately bringing the Balfour   G-d” (Devarim 6:5); or because the people
                   Jews declared war on the Zionists,   Declaration, and in its wake there   fulfill “and you shall love your neighbor as
                   for Zionism is a stumbling block in   was also a change for the better in the   you love yourself” (Vayikra 19:18), and help
                   the way of assimilation. And the   relationship of the Chassidim towards   each other (against the enemy) even if they
                   “powerful” Jews in every city and                                 are sinners…
                   town, whose importance in the eyes   Zionism. Little by little, many began
                   of the local (gentile) poritz (nobleman)   to see the finger of G-d in these events.   During these two times, the 17th of Tammuz
                   is the source of their livelihood and   Many became attached to Mizrachi,   and the 9th of Av, the people of Israel lost
                   honor – they too stood up against the
                   Zionists in anger, accusing them of
                   disgracing our religion and inciting
                   the gentiles against us, which can
                   only lead to the destruction of our
                   livelihoods and disaster.
                   The leaders of the Chassidim generally
                   saw things no differently. Even the
                   few among them who recognized
                   that Zionism is not all evil, but rather
                   something precious that is covered in
                   dirt, did not have the courage to share
                   their opinions with the community.
                   For not every generation merits
                   leaders with personal initiative and
                   the strength to guide the nation in
                   the direction they wish to. At a time
                   when the nation suffers from תּונ ְט ַק
                   ןי ִחֹו ּ מ ַה, from smallness of perspective,
                   “her prophets find no vision from
                   Hashem”  (Eichah  2:9).  And  so  the

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