Page 13 - HaMizrachi Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5782 USA
P. 13

hides his humility in a ‘filthy place’ –
      in arrogance!”
      In this vein, Rav Menachem Mendel
      would sign his letters with the ‘title’ of
      ת ֶמ ֱא ֶּ ב ל ֵפ ָ ּׁ ש ַה, “the truly lowly.” Though
      his royal demeanor and humility
      appear to us as a contradiction, it is
      not so in Chassidic thought. The truly
      humble Jew is not someone who
      considers himself to be worthless but
      rather one who fully understands his
      own worth but at the same time does
      not attribute his virtues to himself.
      The prototype of “lowly royalty” is
      King David, who did not consider it
      beneath his dignity to leap and dance   The Kever of Rav Menachem Mendel
      before the holy Ark as it was brought
      to Jerusalem, and said about himself:   Among the  tzaddikim who later   Some say the Vilna Gaon left the city to
                                                                        avoid meeting Rav Menachem Mendel,
                                       administered the fund were the
      “Before Hashem, Who chose me… to
      appoint me prince over  Israel,  the   Rebbes of Ruzhin and Rav Schneur   while others say that he ordered his
                                                                        associates to bar Rav Menachem
                                       Zalman of Liadi, the founder of Chabad
      people of G-d, before Hashem will I
      dance, and dishonor myself even more,   and a student of both the Maggid of   Mendel from entering his home. Those
                                       Mezeritch and Rav Menachem Mendel.
                                                                        who propound the second version add
      and be low in my own eyes!” (Shmuel
      II 6:21–22)                      When Rav Menachem Mendel made    that Rav Menachem Mendel later said:
                                       Aliyah together with hundreds of his   “It’s chaval (unfortunate) that I didn’t
      Before leaving for Eretz Yisrael, Rav   Chassidim, these funds were critical for   break down the door…” Even after
      Menachem Mendel made great efforts   their economic support.      making Aliyah, Rav Menachem Mendel
      on behalf of both the land and the   Before leaving for Israel, Rav   refused to give up hope, sending letters
      people of Israel. He played a critical   Menachem Mendel also made bold   urging peace  and reconciliation to
      role in founding a charity fund to   efforts to bring peace between the   leaders of both the  Chassidim and
      help support the Jews of Eretz Yisrael,   Chassidim and their opponents, the   mitnagdim.
      which later became known as the   mitnagdim. During the years he served   Rav Menachem Mendel believed
      Kupat Rebbe Meir Ba’al HaNeis.  Many   as a Rebbe in Europe the opposition   deeply in Jewish unity, and fulfilled
      people are familiar with the Jewish   to the Chassidim reached its zenith.   those beliefs in practice. Though
      National Fund’s iconic blue tzedakah   In nearby Lithuania, the great Rav   it is now common for Ashkenazi
      box, used by Jews throughout the   Eliyahu of Vilna, the Vilna Gaon, led   and Sephardic Jews to marry one
      the Diaspora to support the Zionist   a fierce opposition to the Chassidim,   another, it was nearly unheard of in
      chalutzim (pioneers), but don’t realize   signing several letters formally   the 18th century. But Rav Menachem
      that this box was inspired by the fund   excommunicating them. As Chassidim   Mendel did not hesitate in choosing
      established by Rav Menachem Mendel   were harassed in towns and  cities   a Sephardic bride for his son, Rav
      of Vitebsk. Every Friday, just before   throughout the region, Rav Menachem   Moshe – a revolutionary decision in
      candle lighting, poor Jews throughout   Mendel decided to do everything in   that generation.
      Europe would set aside a few pennies   his power to seek peace at all costs.
      from their meager possessions as   Together with Rav Schneur Zalman   Rav Menachem Mendel led thousands
      a gift of love to the early settlers of                           of  Chassidim in Russian until 1777,
      Eretz Yisrael. They considered the brave   of Liadi, he traveled to Vilna to speak   when he left to move to the Land of
                                       with the Gaon.
      few who settled in Eretz Yisrael to be                            Israel. It is important to recognize
      their shluchim, their messengers, and   As is well known, their efforts did not   the great  tzaddikim who overcame
      desired to bear a part of the heavy   succeed, and they never met with the   hardships to move to the Land: Rav
      burden these settlers had taken upon   Gaon. There are different traditions   Menachem Mendel of Premishlan,
      themselves.                      describing how the events unfolded.   Rav Nachman of Horodenka and Rav

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