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    Rabbi Dudi
                       Rav Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk

                   and the Aliyah that Changed History

                       n the historical consciousness of   Shem Tov as a child and absorbed   about formal attire. They warned Rav
                       the Jewish people, the Chassidic   his teachings. After the passing of   Menachem Mendel that the tzaddik
                       movement is generally viewed as   the Maggid, Rav Menachem Mendel   would punish those who came to greet
                   Ia phenomenon of “exilic Judaism.”   became the most important Chassidic   him in such a manner, but he brushed
                   Even those who study the Torah of   figure in White Russia (Belarus),   off their concerns. And indeed, when
                   the Ba’al Shem Tov, the Maggid of   establishing his court in Horodok.   Rav Menachem Mendel came to Rav
                   Mezeritch, and their students, do   Stories from that era describe Rav   Ya’akov Yosef, he was greeted with
                   not perceive the connection between   Menachem Mendel’s glorious attire,   great honor.
                   the Chassidic revolution and the   and his majestic and impressive
                   renewal of Jewish nationalism in   leadership, a style that would later   After the meeting, the people ask Rav
                   the Holy Land. But this perspective is   be found in the court of the Rebbes   Ya’akov Yosef: “What is the nature of
                   historically false, as the extraordinary   of Ruzhin.             this man, who dared to come before
                   life story of Rav Menachem Mendel of                              you while smoking a pipe, without a
                   Vitebsk so clearly demonstrates.  One of the stories describes Rav   belt, and wearing shoes with silver
                                                    Menachem Mendel’s meeting with Rav   laces?” Rav Ya’akov Yosef explained
                   Rav Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk has   Ya’akov Yosef of Polonoye, the great   with a parable: “A king once possessed
                   been ill-treated by many of the writers   student of the Ba’al Shem Tov and   a beautiful gem of enormous value,
                   of Jewish history. Though generally   the author of the Toldot Ya’akov Yosef,   and he was concerned that wherever
                   regarded by the Chassidim as one of   the earliest Chassidic sefer. When Rav   he would hide the gem, thieves would
                   the early fathers of the movement,   Menachem Mendel was on his journey   find it and steal it from him. And so the
                   referred to in his lifetime as “our Rebbe   to Eretz Yisrael, he stayed at an inn in   king hid the stone in an outhouse, for
                   in Eretz Yisrael,” historians have largely   the town of Polonoye. After settling in,   no thief would ever expect him to hide
                   ignored his crucial contributions to the   he lit his long pipe, removed his belt,   a stone of great value in such a lowly
                   renewal of the relationship between   and went to greet the great tzaddik,   and filthy place. So too, Rav Menachem
                   Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael, and the   Rav Ya’akov Yosef. When the locals   Mendel is lowly in his own eyes and is
                   resettlement of the Land of Israel.   saw that Rav Menachem Mendel was   the very embodiment of humility, and
                   Israeli schools teach their students   going to greet the tzaddik in such an   he is concerned that his attribute of
                   about the First Aliyah (1882–1903), the   informal way they became frightened,   humility will become sullied by klipot
                   Second Aliyah (1904–1914), and so on,   for Rav Ya’akov Yosef was meticulous   (impure spiritual forces). And so he
                   naturally implying  that  before  the
                   First Aliyah there was nothing. But this
                   is a historical distortion, for before the
                   First Aliyah there were several large
                   and important waves of Aliyah, the
                   first of which was the Aliyah of Rav
                   Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk and
                   about 300 of his students.
                   Rav Menachem Mendel was born
                   somewhere between 1730 and 1740.
                   Considered the senior student of the
                   Maggid of Mezeritch, he saw the Ba’al
                                                    A plaque on a building that was once Rav Menachem Mendel's home
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