Page 9 - HaMizrachi Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5782 USA
P. 9


        Bringing Israel’s Spirit to Ireland                                                              Gael


          n the 2020 World Zionist Congress   “Our official role through the morim   In recent years, an increasing number
          elections, the Orthodox Israel Coa-  shlichim program is to teach in the   of young Israelis have moved to Dublin
          lition (OIC), a broad-based coali-  Jewish school, but we also run youth   for work opportunities. “On the last
      I tion consisting of Mizrachi and   activities and are very involved in the   night of Chanukah, an Israeli family
      major Religious Zionist and Modern   Maccabi old-age home, chessed proj-  reached out to join us for candle
      Orthodox organizations of America,   ects, the chevra kadisha and more. The   lighting. It turned out this family had
      was highly successful, winning 27   only thing I haven’t done yet is be a
      seats and influential leadership posi-  mohel, but I have been a sandak five   been living in Dublin for a number of
      tions in Israel’s national institutions.   times so far!”         years. We had never seen or heard of
      The OIC’s electoral success has enabled                           them, and we asked them what made
      our movement to increase the number   The Jewish infrastructure in Dublin is   them reach out now. Embarrassed,
      of Religious Zionist shlichim serving   less developed than in larger commu-  the mother said she suddenly had a
      Jewish communities throughout the   nities. It is hard to find kosher food,   realization that today is Chanukah and
      world.                           there is no eruv, and half the students   her daughters, growing up in Ireland,

      When Omer and Timna Shalev arrived   in Stratford, the small Jewish school,   had no idea what Chanukah was. It
      in Dublin a few years ago to serve as   are  not Jewish.  “In  the school,  we   is heartbreaking to see so many Jews
      shlichim of the World Zionist Organi-  developed a strong relationship with   losing connection to their heritage,
      zation (WZO), the community was   Delia, a non-Jewish teacher. On Yom   and we hope to do all we can to con-
      elated. After close to 30 years without   HaShoah, she came with her father   nect them with their heritage.”
      shlichim, the Dublin community once   to a Holocaust memorial event, and
      again had teachers from Israel to help   we learned that he is a founder of a   As two of the hundreds of WZO shlichim
      strengthen the community!        Holocaust memorial organization in   around the world, the Shalev family is
      I asked Timna and Omer why they   Dublin. In 1967, as he followed the news   lighting a candle of Judaism and con-
                                                                        nection to Israel in the heart of Dublin
      came to Dublin. “I had wanted to go   of the Six Day War, he developed a   – inspiring hundreds of people, young
      on shlichut for a long time,” Timna   strong connection to Israel and taught   and old!
      explained. “I worked in the Museum   Delia to appreciate the uniqueness of
      of the Diaspora in Tel Aviv, and that   the Jewish people. It is heartening to   Gael Grunewald is Vice Chairman and Head
      work gave me a desire to go on shlichut   see, especially as the Irish government   of the Department of Education of the World
      to help communities in the Diaspora.   is often very anti-Israel.”  Zionist Organization.
      Omer had worked for several years in
      the IDF and the Prison Services, but
      after about 10 years I convinced him
      to join me on this adventure.”
      At its peak in the 1940s, Dublin had
      close to 5,000 Jews, but today that
      number has decreased to just 500.
      From 1921 to 1936, the Chief Rabbi of
      Ireland was Rabbi Yitzchak HaLevi
      Herzog, who would later become the
      first Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel,
      and whose grandson is the current
      President of Israel, Isaac Herzog.

      “One of the things you learn in a
      small community is that  shlichim
      play an even greater role,” said Omer.
                                       Timna and Omer Shalev and their children in Dublin
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