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Jerusalem                                                           ˉ

    Rabbi Doron

                           few months ago, World Miz-  opposition – something we were not   unity that allows the Shechinah, Hash-
                           rachi was set to celebrate a   prepared to do. And so, despite months   em’s presence, to rest in the Temple.
                           historic milestone event in   of preparation and investment, we   The unity of Jeruslaem, continues the
                    Athe Knesset, an event that     made the difficult decision to cancel   Malbim, is a prerequisite for world
                   should have been a great personal   the Knesset event. We would find other   peace; only when the people of Israel
                   and organizational highlight. Ten days   places and ways to mark our historic   join together in Jerusalem will we
                   before the event was scheduled to take   milestone.               finally achieve peace with our external
                   place, we canceled it – and it was one   The reason for our decision stems from   enemies.
                   of the best decisions we ever made.  the very heart of Mizrachi’s 120-year-  Just as the  Beit HaMikdash brought
                   Here’s why.                      long mission. From the very beginning,   our people together in Jerusalem, the
                                                    Mizrachi aimed to unite rather than   Mishkan unified our people during
                   This past March, during the Hebrew
                   month of Adar, we marked the 120th   divide, to become a movement of unity   our sojourn in the desert. The root
                   anniversary of the founding of the   but not uniformity, and to provide   word  רבח appears ten times in the
                   Mizrachi movement by Rabbi Yitzchak   opportunities for Am Yisrael to come   thirteen verses describing the con-
                   Reines in Vilna in 1902. In formally   together and find common ground.   struction of the covers and curtains
                   launching the Religious Zionist move-  A political party in hebrew is called a   of the  Mishkan (Shemot 26:1–13).
                   ment, Rabbi Reines aimed to integrate   ה ָג ָל ְפ ִמ, similar to the Talmudic term   ד ָח ֶא ן ָּכ ׁש ּ מ ַה ה ָי ָה ְו …תֹעי ִר ְי ַה ת ֶא  ּ ת ְר ַּב ִח ְו,
                   Torah values with the nascent Zion-  א ָּ ת ְגּול ְּ פ, meaning “to be divided” or   “You shall attach the curtains to
                   ist movement. In celebration of this   “argument”. After canceling the Knes-  one another… so that the Tabernacle
                   milestone anniversary, we planned a   set event, we coined a new phrase: that   becomes one“ (Shemot 26:6). The cur-
                   celebratory unity event in the audito-  we at Mizrachi aspire to be םי ִר ְּ ב ַח ְמ   tains were joined together through
                   rium of the Knesset that would bring   instead of םי ִג ְּ ל ַפ ְמ; our goal is to build   interlocking hooks and loops, trans-
                   together ministers and members of   bridges among our people instead of   forming disparate materials into one
                   Knesset from across the general and   widening the gaps.          unified entity. Whether in the  Beit
                   Religious Zionist political spectrums.                            HaMikdash or the Mishkan, intercon-
                   As a historic Zionist milestone event,                            nectedness and unity are prerequisites
                   we felt strongly that the event should   The essence of Jerusalem  for the dwelling of G-d’s Shechinah.
                   transcend political differences, and   This is the great challenge and oppor-
                   so we planned equal billing for all of   tunity of Jerusalem – and its very
                   the Religious Zionist parties and equal   essence.  ו ָ ּ ד ְח ַי  ּ ה ָּ ל ה ָר ְּ ב ֻח ֶ ׁש רי ִע ְּ כ ם ִי ַל ָ ׁשּור ְי,   Bridge builders
                   participation from both sides of the   “Jerusalem is like a city that was joined   The very founding of Mizrachi was an
                   aisle. There are times and events that   together itself” (Tehillim 122:3). The   act of unity and integration, bringing
                   call for rising above partisan politics,   rabbis explain that Jerusalem is the רי ִע   together two seemingly disparate
                   when all Jews must set aside their   םי ִר ֵב ֲח ְל ל ֵא ָרְשִי ל ָּ כ הָשֹועֶ ׁש, “the city which   ideologies – Zionism, a largely secu-
                   strongly-held differences and come   transforms all of Israel into friends”   lar nationalist movement; and Torah
                   together in celebration.         (Jerusalem Talmud, Chagigah 3b). This   Judaism, a religious and spiritual
                   Alas, we did not anticipate how diffi-  is the unique power of Jerusalem. It is   belief system. Towering rabbinic lead-
                   cult this would turn out to be. Even   a city of רּו ּ בי ִח, with the power to build   ers of that era such as Rabbis Mohile-
                   after Herculean efforts, it was sadly   friendship and understanding.  ver, Reines and Kook all believed that
                   impossible to hold an apolitical event   The Malbim writes that the singular   Torah Judaism and Zionism can and
                   at the epicenter of Israeli politics.   theme of Tehillim 122 is the unique   must be integrated. And so, the men
                   In today’s acerbic political climate,   unifying power of our holy city and the   and women of Mizrachi learned that it
                   we would be forced to give primacy   Beit HaMikdash. Jerusalem combines   was possible to remain loyal to authen-
                   to one party or another and choose   disparate limbs of the national body   tic Torah values while also seeking out
                   between the governing coalition or the   into one spiritual entity, creating a   the points of רּו ּ בי ִח.

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