Page 6 - HaMizrachi Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5782 USA
P. 6

    Rabbi Ari

                           he Jewish community has   for the sake of Heaven and our people   that actually the case? Although each
                           always faced challenges –   have assured our resilience and   tribe has its own definitive strengths,
                           of demographics, internal   survival through millennia. We exceed   do our opinionated and clashing tribes
                   T dissension, and our            the sum of our collective parts; we have   actually add up to more than the sum
                   uncertain prospects. Through all   to.                            of their parts? Or are we simply a
                   these, we have always understood   What would our Avot and Imahot think   splintered and broken people, with
                   about ourselves what outsiders rarely   of our American Jewish community   diminishing returns?
                   grasped: that Jews are not merely a   today? We at Mizrachi think they   We all recognize that these past two
                   religion or nationality. We are, rather,   would be proud of the new Pew   years have been difficult ones. COVID
                   a people that began as a large family   findings showing how the American   isolated us from each other and our
                   of twelve tribes, each with its own flag,   Orthodox community, marked for   communities, emphasizing our tribal
                   distinct characteristics and particular   extinction in the middle of the last   divisions to an unhealthy extent.
                   weaknesses and strengths.        century, is growing fast and taking

                   Over time, the twelve tribes evolved   a leadership role in the broader   Perhaps this is a time for us to reflect
                                                                                     and take stock. Perhaps it is time for
                   into Am Yisrael, the Jewish Nation. After   American Jewish community.  us to think less about our narrow
                   we left Egypt for the desert, the tribes   In some respects, we have much that   tribal interests and more about our
                   received the Torah, a monumental   our forefathers would be proud of:   unified mission and destiny. Maybe
                   moment we celebrate each Shavuot.   affluence, high educational levels and   the time has come to open our minds
                   Receiving the Torah in the desert, a   widespread Jewish learning and Torah   and broaden our efforts on behalf of
                   harsh and desolate environment,   study. Most significant, of course, is   Jews everywhere, to finally fulfill our
                   allowed the fledgling nation to   the miraculous establishment of the   destiny as a light unto the nations.
                   achieve spiritual communion with G-d   modern State of Israel, only a dream
                   while far from the materialism and   for millennia, a home for many Jews   The challenges are real, but also bring
                   corruption of dense, urban society.   and a home away from home for all   a silver lining. The threats to Israel and
                   In this way we became am echad b’lev   Jews. And the accomplishments of   the security of Jews around the world,
                   echad, one nation with a single heart.  the State itself are astounding: in a   the dreadful catastrophe in Ukraine
                   As our people grew and developed   few short decades, Israel has become   and the rise in antisemitism here in
                                                                                     the US and abroad force us to think
                   through the millennia, the tribes   the start-up nation, a global economic   about our roles and responsibility
                   took on different roles within the   power with formidable defense forces   as  individuals,  communities,
                   community, reflecting disparate and   and a young, vibrant, and growing   organizations, and, most importantly,
                   diverse points of view. Each faced   population.                  as a people.
                   different challenges and developed   Yet our founders would also see a
                   unique ways of responding to them.   community and nation splintered   Although we began as tribes, we are
                   To this day, like any family, we – the   into often-warring denominations   much more than tribes. We are more
                   descendents of those tribes – form   and organizations. With our common   than  our divisions  and  differences
                   rivalries and different points of view.   history and shared destiny, how did   of opinion. While celebrating our
                   At the same time, the tribes of Am   we become so divided and polarized?   diversity, we must also emphasize our
                   Yisrael continue to share a common   Is our Jewish family a dysfunctional   unity of purpose. With this balance,
                   past, unified present, and a unique   one?                        we will maximize our cohesiveness as
                   destiny.                                                          a people – and emerge as one nation,
                                                    Some might argue that the modern   with one heart, am echad b’lev echad.
                   For us, internal diversity is not a   denominational model of our nation
                   modern innovation; it has been part of   matches the ideal and ancient model of
                   who we are since our tribal beginnings   twelve tribes, allowing for differences   Rabbi Ari Rockoff is the Executive Vice
                   thousands of years ago. Our arguments   of opinions, roles, and practices. But is   President of RZA–Mizrachi.

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