Page 8 - HaMizrachi Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5782 USA
P. 8

A Single Moment


                          single  moment  can  some-
                          times influence our entire
                          lives. A fascinating moment
                   A of this kind was revealed
                   during a meeting on Pesach between
                   Israel’s President, Isaac Herzog, and
                   Rabbi Berel Wein.
                   Herzog came to the home of the
                   88-year-old rabbi who made  Aliyah
                   after many years as a writer, lecturer
                   and American Jewish leader. Rabbi
                   Wein  has  led  many  congregations
                   as a rabbi and rosh yeshivah, helping
                   hundreds of students prepare for
                   rabbinical leadership roles across the
                   globe. During their meeting, Rabbi
                   Wein shared the following story with
                   the President, who is named after his
                   grandfather, Rabbi Yitzchak Herzog
                   zt”l, who served as the Ashkenazi   President Isaac Herzog and Rabbi Berel Wein
                   Chief Rabbi of Mandate Palestine and   is baptized into Christianity and must   “The words I heard that day changed
                   the State of Israel from 1936–1959:
                                                    remain a Christian forever.’     my life. They changed the lives of
                   “I was a twelve-year-old child in 1946   “Rabbi Herzog finished quoting the   many who were there. Many among
                   when my father woke me early one                                  that group of children established
                   morning and said: ‘We are going to   Pope, paused for a moment, and then   educational institutions and large
                                                    burst into tears. I never saw anyone
                   the airport. Rabbi Herzog is arriving                             Jewish organizations, and many also
                   in Chicago!’ The entire community   cry like that. He bent his head over the   made Aliyah. Over the years, the young
                                                    podium, and all two thousand years of
                   waited in anticipation of the eminent   our exile and persecution poured out   Americans in that lecture hall edu-
                   rabbi’s arrival.                                                  cated tens of thousands of Jews to be
                                                    of him. All the young Americans stood   active members of the Jewish nation.
                   “The rabbi came to our school and told   in stunned amazement.    All because of one speech, and because
                   us about his recent encounter with the                            of one person’s tears.”
                   Pope: ‘I just returned from Rome after   “But then the rabbi stood up straight,
                                                    looked at us intently and said: ‘I cannot
                   meeting with the Pope. I presented
                   him with a list of thousands of Jewish   do anything more for these children.
                                                    But you, what do you intend to do for
                   children who were sent to Catholic   the Jewish nation? What do you intend
                   monasteries by their parents in order                             Sivan Rahav-Meir is a media personality
                   to save them from the Germans. I told   to do to revitalize our people?’  and lecturer. She lives in Jerusalem with her
                                                                                     husband, Yedidya, and their five children,
                   the Pope: ‘I am giving you this list as   “Afterwards, we all approached him to   and serves as World Mizrachi’s Scholar-in-
        A member of   a representative of the Jewish people.   shake his hand, and he repeated this   Residence. She is a primetime anchor on
        the Mizrachi   I am requesting that you return these   message to each of us personally. He   Channel 2 News, has a column in Israel’s
     Speakers Bureau  children to us.’ The Pope did not agree   looked at me, still a boy, and said to   largest newspaper, Yediot Achronot, and has  to this request. He explained that each   me: ‘Did you hear what I said? Do not   a weekly radio show on Galei Tzahal (Army
          speakers  child who enters a Catholic institution   forget what I said!’   Radio).

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