Page 7 - HaMizrachi Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5782 USA
P. 7


                                                   TO THE


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       On the passing of Rabbi Nota Greenblatt   We learned much Torah from Rav Nota, but   Make Israel your own
       zt”l on April 29th                   even more importantly, we learned how to
                                            treat a fellow human being.         WE VERY MUCH enjoyed your special edi-
       “TELL ME SOMETHING about Rabbi Nota                                      tion on the “Youth Aliyah Phenomenon”
       Greenblatt in his younger days,” I asked a   Rabbi Uriel Lubetski        (Vol. 5, No. 1) – particularly because at Sha-
       long-time resident of Memphis, TN. “Rav   Director of Education, English Division,   pell’s/Darche Noam and Midreshet Rachel
       Nota is responsible for Memphis maintain-  Sulamot and lecturer at Michlalah  v’Chaya we have been part of this phenom-
       ing its observant Jewish community,” he   Efrat, Israel                  enon for well over four decades. We are
       answered. As one of the founders of the                                  proud that over 25% of our more than 4,500
       school, Rav Nota went door-to-door not                                   alumni – and an equivalent percentage of
       only to collect money but to convince the                                our current students – have made Aliyah,
       young Jewish families who lived there to                                 and are making contributions to a wide
       entrust their children to him. Since then,                               range of communities throughout Israel.
       he remained connected to the school as an                                We have found that a combination of
       engaging teacher, effective fundraiser, and                              strong commitment, good preparation,
       dedicated board member.                                                  choosing a community appropriate for you
       I met Rav Nota for the first time when he                                (and of course your spouse and children, if
       was in his 80s and I was interviewing to                                 applicable), and a supportive network of
       become the Upper School Principal at Mar-                                mentors and friends are all ingredients to
       golin Hebrew Academy in Memphis. As part                                 a successful Aliyah. May many, many other
       of my interview process, I had the honor of   A job well done            young adults and couples (and those young
       meeting with Rav Nota. I was concerned   I DON'T WANT to sound like a broken   at heart) follow in the footsteps of these
       that he would ask me questions about my   record by repeating this, but I cannot tell   happy and successful olim and make Israel
       Torah learning and give me an exam. But   you how satisfying it is to read HaMizrachi   their own.
       as I walked into his house, I was imme-  magazine. I feel happy, proud, and inspired
       diately put at ease and relieved. While he   by it. You have created a publication that   Rabbi Shmuel Jablon
       did ask me where I learned, the rest of the   does exactly what we want – happy,   Executive Director, Shapell’s/Darche Noam
       conversation was about getting to know   optimistic, rich in content, and tzioni in   and Midreshet Rachel v’Chaya
       more about my family and my experiences.  all the best ways. The content pieces are   Efrat, Israel
                                            extremely  well  done.  But  the  personal
       Since that first meeting, I understood why   stories are golden. They are inspiring, real
       Rav Nota was so successful at building   and just wonderful. Kol hakavod on creating
       the Memphis Jewish community. He was   such a masterpiece!
       down-to-earth and disarmed you with his
       sense of humor. He immediately realized   Rabbi Reuven Tradburks
       who he was talking to and adjusted his con-  Director, Israel office of the Rabbinical
       versation and demeanor to make the other   Council of America
       person comfortable, whether young or old.  Jerusalem, Israel

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