Page 3 - HaMizrachi Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5782 USA
P. 3


                   e announced our     Zionist Jew who happily eats gebrokts   has for so many others, the Torah of
                   Aliyah plans in the   on all seven days of Pesach, why should   the Ba’al Shem Tov and his students
                   summer of  2020 by   the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s views on Aliyah   has changed my life.
      Wsending an email                have anything to do with me? The   And so I couldn’t easily dismiss the
      to our community; it was the only   answer: far more than you might think.
      way to reach everyone at once. The   Soon after my parents began attending   Rebbe’s disapproval of my Aliyah, even
                                                                        if it came indirectly. Where would I be
      responses we received were, as you   the University of Buffalo in 1969, they   without the Rebbe’s unbelievable love
      might expect, almost universally   met two people who would drastically   for every last Jew – a love that sent two
      warm and encouraging. But one    alter the trajectory of their lives – and,   of his Chassidim to the frozen tundra of
      email, from a Chabad friend in the
      area, made me pause. He wrote: “It’s   by extension, my own. Though my   Buffalo, New York to share the light of
                                                                        Torah with my parents?
                                       parents grew up with some degree of
      wonderful that you want to live in   Jewish education, it was Rabbi Noson
      Israel. But how can you abandon your   Gurary and Rabbi Heschel Greenberg,   Responding to my Chabad friend, I
      shlichus, your mission, as the rabbi of   the Chabad shlichim at the University   thanked him for believing in me, for
      your community?”                                                  believing that I could continue to make
                                       of Buffalo, who introduced them to the   a difference in the Diaspora. And who
      The Lubavitcher Rebbe was generally   world of Torah Judaism and helped
      supportive of  Aliyah, and his love   them begin their journey to Orthodox   am I to argue with the Rebbe? “But,” I
                                                                        explained, “while I owe my life to the
      and concern for both the Land and   life. Three days before their Reform
      people of Israel is legendary. But as my   wedding, my parents were secretly   Rebbe, Rav Kook is my Rav!”
      Chabad friend accurately pointed out,   married near the Rebbe’s office at 770   Though Rav Kook strongly believed
      the Rebbe was far more circumspect   in Crown Heights. Though my family   that G-d is calling the Jewish people to
      about rabbis and community leaders   didn’t become Chabad Chassidim, we   return to the Land, he also understood
      moving to Israel. In a 1981 letter to a   were raised with a deep appreciation   that all of the “tribes” of Am Yisrael
      Jew in South Africa, he wrote: “If the   and gratitude to both the Rebbe and   make unique and complementary
      person happens to be a leader in his   Chabad – and a subscription to Tzivos   contributions to our people. Though
      community, and his departure would   Hashem!                      he passed away before Chabad began
      seriously affect the wellbeing of the   While Chabad opened my eyes to   sending shlichim to every corner of the
      community – spiritually, economically                             globe, I believe Rav Kook would have
      or politically – thereby weakening that   Chassidut, I was quickly entranced   seen Religious Zionism and Chabad
                                       by the broader world of Chassidic
      community’s support for Eretz Yisrael,   thought. The Piacetzner Rebbe’s Chovot   as complementary movements in
      then the gain would clearly be more                               Israel and the Diaspora, each playing
      than offset by the loss… In a small   HaTalmidim spoke powerfully to me   a critical role to speed the arrival of
                                       as a teenager; his direct and personal
      community, the departure of a single                              redemption. May we soon see that
      influential member, whether a rabbi or   style was exhilarating, and unlike   great day!
                                       anything I had ever learned in yeshivah
      a layman, can make all the difference.”
                                       day school. As an adult, I’ve found the
      Leaving aside the practical question as   writings of Rav Avraham Zvi Kluger,   Elie Mischel
      to whether my Aliyah would damage the   which clearly and seamlessly combine
      community I left behind (a community   classical Talmudic learning with the
      that was deeply committed to     Torah of Breslov and Chabad, to be   Rabbi Elie Mischel
      supporting Israel long before I arrived),   indispensable reading before every   Editor
      you might ask another question: as a   yom tov; his teachings have altered my
      proud kippa srugah-wearing Religious  experience of these holy days. Like it

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