Page 23 - HaMizrachi Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5782 USA
P. 23

y heart rejoices
                                                in Hashem, my
                                                horn is exalted in
                                “MHashem, my mouth
                                is broadened against my adversaries, for I
                                am happy in Your salvation. There is none
                                who is holy like Hashem, for there is none
                                besides You… Hashem puts to death and
                                brings to life, lowers to She’ol and raises
                                up” (Shmuel I 2:1–6). It is our obligation to
                                be cognizant of the miracles that Hashem
                                has done for us in recent days: manifest
                                miracles and a shining countenance
                                turned by Him to His nation, Israel, the
          Rabbi Shalom Noach Berezovsky
          (PHOTO: SHIMSHON WEISS/  likes of which dozens of generations   (PHOTO: MICHA BAR-AM/DEFENSE MINISTRY’S IDF ARCHIVE)
          WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)    were not privileged to see. We must not
          be ungrateful for the good done for us by Hashem, for He now has
          performed for us a dual miracle.
          First, that wicked Haman of our times [Nasser], may his name be
          blotted out, wanted to annihilate all the Jews, and Hashem performed
          a miracle, and there was a reversal, for it was the Jews who mastered
          their enemies and annihilated all the horses of Pharaoh’s chariots and
          his cavalry in scant hours, and fear of the Jews descended upon them.
          Israel saw the great hand with which Hashem had stricken Egypt, and
          they had faith in Hashem, for even those far from faith – and anyone
          with a brain in his head – acknowledge that there was nothing natural
          about this victory, which Hashem performed most marvelously. No
          army has yet achieved such achievements in which mighty forces
          collapsed before it in mere hours.
                                                                    (PHOTO: BAMAHANE MAGAZINE/DEFENSE MINISTRY’S IDF ARCHIVE)
          The second miracle was in the revelation of His love for the nation
          of Israel, although it is unworthy and undeserving, for we have been
          repossessed of the remnant of our Temple – the Kotel HaMa’aravi, which
          our Sages said the divine presence never departed, as is stated: “Behold,
          He stands behind our wall” (Shir HaShirim 2:9) – after nineteen years of
          being distanced from this holy place. And we have been repossessed of
          the holy places: the Me’arat HaMachpelah, those resting in Chevron, and
          Kever Rachel, places where no Jew set foot the past nineteen years – and
          woe be to children who are exiled from the graves of their fathers and
          mothers. Now they are under our control, and we stand amazed and
          shocked by the great revelations that Hashem has revealed to us – “and
          how could I repay Hashem?” (Tehillim 116:12)

          “And I said, ‘I have been driven from before Your eyes,’ yet I shall
          continue to look toward Your holy sanctuary” (Yonah 2:5). I was mindful   (PHOTO: MICHA BAR-AM/DEFENSE MINISTRY’S IDF ARCHIVE)
          of this verse nineteen years ago when the Old City fell to the Arabs
          and again no Jew could approach the site of our Temple. Some two
          thousand men gathered in the sanctuary of Yeshivat Me’ah She’arim,
          and we sat on the ground and cried. I thought then that we had arrived
          at the height of divine repudiation, for even after the best of the nation
          and some six million Jews were annihilated and He wrathfully severed
          the entire horn of Israel, as long as the Kotel HaMa’aravi was in our
          possession and we had that holy place, where a Jew could pour out his
          words before his Father in heaven, we still had the strength to endure.
          Yet how dreadful was this repudiation, for Hashem removed us from
          His presence as if He no longer wanted us. And woe to children who
          are exiled from their father’s table, like that prince who can carry on
          through the suffering even when his father disciplines him with all
          sorts of severe torment, but when his father, the king, drives him out
          of the king’s sanctuary, can find neither solace nor strength. At that   (PHOTO: BAMAHANE MAGAZINE/DEFENSE MINISTRY’S IDF ARCHIVE)

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