Page 24 - HaMizrachi Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5782 USA
P. 24

time, we felt that we were collapsing
          from pain and anguish, having been
          driven out from before Your eyes.
          Happy are we! How good is our lot at
          this great time, when Hashem again has
          shone upon us with shining countenance
          and revelations that no other generation
          has merited, and the site of our Temple,
          a place that the divine presence never
          has departed, has been restored to us!
          The greatest elation and pleasure that
          a Jew feels in this world is when he
          feels the closeness of His divinity, as
          is stated: “Yet for me, the closeness of
          G-d is good for me” (Tehillim 73:28). The
          best-suited place for this is the  Kotel
          HaMa’aravi, where a Jew feels that he
          stands before the presence of Hashem
          and pours out his heart like water before   (PHOTO: AMOS ZUCKER/BAMAHANE MAGAZINE/DEFENSE MINISTRY’S IDF ARCHIVE)
          Him, and when he says there “Blessed
          are You…”, he feels a deeper sense of His   have begun to show Your servants Your   when it happens to start emerging with
          presence, for although the entire earth   greatness and Your mighty hand, for   its feet, that is a dangerous birth, yet this
          is full of His glory, that is the only place   what god is there in heaven or earth   too might result in a birth. The same is
          in the world that the divine presence
          has never departed from. If our mouths   who performs the like of Your deeds and   true of the coming of the messiah. In the
                                             feats? “Please let me pass and see this
          were full of song like the sea, we could                             absence of merits, everything proceeds
          not sufficiently [express gratitude]. From   good mountain and Lebanon” (Devarim   the wrong way, as when the feet emerge
                                             3:25). That is to say: may He rebuild
          Hashem did this emanate! It is wondrous   the Temple for us speedily and in our   first, but it may be that all this is the
          in our eyes.                                                         footsteps of the messiah, to which we
                                             days, for the divine presence remains   must look forward. We must shout to
          We must hear the voice of Hashem   in exile, and we have not yet merited   high heaven: “Our Father, our King,
          that emerges from the events of these   even the beginning of the redemption,   reveal the glory of Your kingship upon
          great days, calling us, as our master   for what is the nature of redemption?   us, and appear and be exalted over us
          the rebbe said regarding the verse: “He   That all of creation, which is immersed   before the eyes of all who live.”
          called to Moses, and the L-rd spoke to   in materialism, merits redemption,
          him…” (Vayikra 1:1), explaining why it   “and the land is filled with knowledge   The events of these days and our role in
          opaquely states “He called,” instead   of Hashem, and we see Him with our   this hour should be seen as intimated in
          of stating Who calls: for from all the   own eyes upon His return to His abode,   the verse: “You saw what I did to Egypt;
          events that happen to a person, a call   and the glory of Hashem is revealed and   I bore you upon the wings of eagles
          comes forth from Hashem. Sometimes   all flesh see together [that the mouth of   and brought you to Me, and now, if you
          it is from joyful events that uplift him,   Hashem has spoken]” (Yishayahu 11:9,   listen to My voice…” (Shemot 19:4). We
          and through this he hears the word of   52:8).                       have merited to see the first miracle that
          Hashem calling to him, and sometimes   Yet we also must look correctly at the   Hashem visited upon Egypt in front of
          it is from anguish and pain that crush                               our eyes, and we have merited to see the
          his spirit, from which he must also hear   immense events that we just experienced,   revelation and the shining of the divine
                                             and everything that we experienced in
          the word of Hashem calling to him. All   the past generation, beginning with   countenance that brought us closer,
          of life and all the events experienced by   the dreadful annihilation, and all the   for we can go to the place of the divine
          a person are a great call from his Father   unusual events that we experienced   presence as described by the words “I
          in heaven.                                                           brought you to Me,” and all this greatly
                                             of late, the whole of which demands   obliges us. All this is a great call from
          If this is so in the life of the individual,   contemplation and thought, for we are   Hashem – “you shall be a treasure to Me”
          then all the more so with this immense   progressing toward redemption, as our   (ibid.) – for we shall come closer to Him
          event, the miracles and wonders that   holy rabbis interpreted the diction of our   with all our heart and all our soul.
          Hashem has done for us, which are a   Sages, may their memory be blessed, in
          great call from our Father in heaven.   the phrase “let him anticipate the feet   Indeed, there is the well-known
          The great revelation from the shining   of the messiah” – for the term “the feet   statement that appears following the
          of His countenance is that Hashem has   of the messiah” at first glance has no   receiving of the Torah: “All the nation
          remembered His nation, and we must   meaning. Yet hinted here is that just as   were perceiving the thunder, the flames,
          arouse bountiful [divine] compassion   it is known that in a normal birth, [the   and the sound of the horn… and all the
          [through prayer],  for You,  Hashem,   baby] begins emerging with its head, but   nation was fearful, moved away, and

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