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P. 29

Why is Chassidut

              Important for our Generation?

                                                                                                         Rabbi Miki

          sking why Chassidut is important   the words of the Torah of Chassidut to   taste it. Like any new flavor, it takes
          for our generation is like asking   enter him, his soul is moved.  at least three months of practice
          why pure air is important for   The modern world unceasingly offers   – three months filled with stories
      Abreathing.                      our generation temptations. Religious   of the  Chassidim, its teachings and
      Chassidut reveals the deep soul of the   Jews want to enjoy the Torah, but   conversations, its niggunim (melodies)
      Torah. It’s like meeting someone for   they also want to enjoy the pleasures   that penetrate the soul – in order to
      the first time and forming a superficial   of the world. But the modern world   truly absorb its sweetness. But there
      impression of the person. One day you   bites at anything that has sanctity   is no need to convince anyone. A Jew
      get to know him on a deeper level, and   in it, until it is very difficult to deal   in whom the light of Chassidut shines,
      you merit to see how wonderful he   with these temptations and remain   a Jew whose life has been changed by
                                       attached to the Torah. The response of
      is, how special he is, and you realize   Chassidut to this dilemma is that man   Chassidut, will be the best marketer of
      what an injustice it was to judge him   must realize that this war between   Chassidut in the world – thanks to the
      by his outward appearance. Chassidut   Torah and the general culture is, in   soul that shines within him and which
      reveals to us what incredible light,   fact, a sham. Through the light of   reveals its light to the entire world.
      what incredible spiritual content there   Chassidut, man realizes that the Torah     This essay originally appeared in Hebrew
      is inside the Torah. When you speak   and its commandments shine with a   in the weekly newspaper Karov Elecha.
      to a person’s superficial senses, only   precious light, and so the attractions
      their superficial senses will absorb the   and temptations of the world pale in
      message, but when you speak to their   comparison.                Rabbi Miki Yosefi writes a weekly column
      soul, their soul will receive it. When   Those who have not yet connected to   for Karov Elecha and teaches at several
      a person learns Chassidut, and allows   the Torah of Chassidut should try to   educational institutions throughout Israel.

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