Page 31 - HaMizrachi Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5782 USA
P. 31

opened up the gates of Chassidut for us.   Over the last few years, I have begun   collective spirit of Rav Kook. Is anyone
      For the first time, I opened the Tanya,   to question this Chassidic revolution   else yearning for the Torah of both the
      Rav Nachman and the Zohar, and I felt   in our community. Have we lost some-  individual and the nation? In the years
      them quench the thirst of my soul. I   thing by replacing Rav Kook with Rav   ahead, will anyone still be teaching the
      felt that this Torah spoke to me; it was   Nachman? In our commitment to our   Torah of Rav Kook?
      a Torah that spoke to the individual   personal spiritual quests, have we lost
      and to the perfection of the internal   something of our commitment to the    This article was originally published in
      world within each person. I felt the   broader community of Am Yisrael?   Hebrew in Yediot Achronot.
      lights, the Orot – not the Orot of Rav   What are the core ideals that our chil-
      Kook, but the Orot of Chassidut. I could   dren are now growing up with? I feel
      feel that I was part of a shift within   confident today that the religious edu-  Dr. Netanel Fisher is a senior lecturer at the
      the Religious Zionist community, that   cation system incorporates a lot about   Academic Center for Law and Science in Hod
      a group of us were moving away from   personal growth and spirituality. But   Hasharon.
      the classic nationalistic outlook we had   will the students of today grow up with
      grown up with to a more individualis-  the sense of commitment to Klal Yisrael
      tic spiritual world.             and Eretz Yisrael that we grew up with?
                                       Does anyone still talk in terms of those
      Within a short period of time, I   ideals and ideology any more?
      switched to Yeshivat Otniel, which   The Religious Zionist community is
      was one of the leaders of the Chassidic   still a warm, caring community with
      revolution in Religious Zionism, a rev-  an admirable sense of mutual respon-
      olution that can now be seen in many   sibility. However, I think the Kookian
      parts of our community. The “White   revolutionary spirit is being replaced
      Talmud” of Rav Kook has been replaced   by the existentialism of Breslov, and   (PHOTO: CHAIM TWITO/YEDIOT ACHRONOT)
      by the brown covers of the Chassidic   I believe it has reduced our desire to
      sefarim. Carlebach tunes have taken   help the broader community. Exac-
      over within our  shuls. One is more   erbating the problem, the Religious
      likely to hear the teachings of the Sfat   Zionist community has simultaneously
      Emet or Netivot Shalom in a derasha in   become more bourgeoisie and subur-
      shul than the Torah of Rav Kook. There   ban, which has caused us to focus more
      is even a movement among the “hilltop   on ourselves than on others.
      youth”, the fringes of Religious Zion-  I don’t want to return to the Religious
      ism, that sees themselves as “post-Re-  Zionism of 20–30 years ago. My soul
      ligious Zionist”, led by Rabbi Yitzchak   yearns for the songs and dancing of
      Ginsburg.                        Tzamah. But my soul also yearns for the   (PHOTO: CHAIM TWITO/YEDIOT ACHRONOT)

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