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Religious Zionism Needs

                           Chassidic Education!

    Rabbi Dov
                                     A Response to Dr. Netanel Fisher

                              Has the Religious Zionist community gone too far in adopting the teachings of Chassidut?
                               Have we abandoned Rav Kook in favor of Rav Nachman? In this important response to
                          Dr. Netanel Fisher, Rabbi Dov Singer, Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivat Makor Chaim and the Beit Midrash
                             L’Hitchadshut, argues that Chassidic principles must be a part of Religious Zionist education.

                      sraeli yeshivah high schools have
                      traditionally been based on the      Lithuanian yeshivah             Chassidic yeshivah
                      classic Lithuanian yeshivah, while
                  Iadding some core secular subjects         ֹומֹוק ְּ מ ִמ ’ה דֹוב ְּ כ ךּור ָּ ב  ֹודֹוב ְּ כ ץ ֶר ָא ָה ל ָכ אל ְמ
                   to the daily schedule. Our community’s   “Blessed is Hashem’s Glory from   “The entire Cosmos is filled with
                   desire to play a more important role in     His Place”.                     His Glory”.
                   Israeli society in areas such as science,
                   economics, military and politics has   Strict hierarchy, exclusive.    Community, inclusive.
                   led to more hours and attention being                              The tzaddik is part of the group.
                   invested in secular subjects. Due to
                   this shift in priorities, religious stud-  Accomplishment oriented,   Accommodating, stress on the
                   ies often take a back seat to academic      aristocracy.                     process.
                   achievement.  Intellectual achieve-
                   ments have become paramount and        No room for additional       “Know Him in all your ways”.
                   are now the yardstick used to assess        challenges.
                   students’ career potential, whether
                   they are aspiring rabbis or doctors.                                 Hashem is with you in any
                                                        Failure is not a viable option.  situation; move ahead with what
                   At the same time, Chassidic prin-                                           you have.
                   ciples have begun to influence our
                   educational institutions and have the   Single type of intelligence – logic!    Many types of intelligence –
                   potential to help us heal our educa-                                    emotional, religious.
                   tional system. I would like to present
                   a number of schematic differences
                   between Lithuanian and Chassidic   I believe it is necessary to change the   us, mi’bsari echezeh eloka, “I can see G-d
                   yeshivot as well as the way the unique   Religious Zionist educational approach   in my very flesh!”
                   characteristics of Chassidic yeshivot   from the Lithuanian model to the   This  new  approach,  however,  will
                                                    Chassidic model.
                   have been implemented at Yeshivat                                 require additional changes:
                   Makor Chaim, founded by Rabbi Adin   First and foremost, we must change
                   Steinsaltz zt”l.                 the way we speak about G-d. G-d   We must shift our focus from the use
                                                    is present not only in the celestial   of intellectual and academic tools to
                   This chart depicts the differences   spheres, but also here, in this world.   speaking about G-d’s actual or hidden
                   between  traditional  Chassidic and   We must emphasize our intimate   presence; from speaking  about G-d
                   Lithuanian yeshivot. It may be over   encounter with the soul within us,   to speaking to G-d. The practice of
                   simplified and lend itself to stigmati-  which is a chelek eloka mi’mamal – an   speaking to G-d must be developed at
                   zation, but can nevertheless highlight   accessible part and parcel of the   a hitva’adut or meetings of a chaburah, a
                   some important differences.      Divine. As the Ba’al Shem Tov taught   self-help group such as a class or group

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