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P. 27

Rav Kook baking matzah, 1924 (PHOTO: FROM THE BOOK HEICHAL HA'AHAVA)

      nation; that the secrets of Torah do   What attracted a prince of the world
      not only shed light on the individual’s   of Chassidut to the circle of Rav Kook?
      relationship with Hashem but also   Perhaps he saw, as Rav Kook did, that
      on  the  life  and  trajectory  of  the   the time had come for the next stage
      nation of Israel. As thousands of Jews   in the revelation of Torah; that it was
      returned to live in Eretz Yisrael after   time, finally, for the secrets of Torah
      thousands of years of exile, Rav Kook   concerning the destiny of our people
      believed it was critically important to   to be revealed!
      study the Torah’s deepest teachings
      concerning the Jewish people’s national
      relationship with Hashem.         1.  Moshe Nachmani, Haneshama Ola Pitom, 230.

      Rav Kook’s hope of expanding Chas-  2.  Rabbi Kalman Eliezer,  Shemuot  Ra’aya,
      sidic thought to address the nation’s   Introduction.
      relationship with Hashem would    3.  Moshe Nachmani, Haneshama Ola Pitom, 229.
      unfold in the story of the Admor HaCha-  4.  Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Neriya, Moadei Ra’aya, Lag
      lutz,  the  Chassidic  Zionist  pioneer,   BaOmer.
      Rabbi Yeshayahu Shapira. The brother   5.  Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Neriya,  Moadei Ra’aya,
      of the martyred Rebbe of Piacetzna,   Shabbat.
      Rabbi Kalonimous Kalman Shapira   6.  Found in the Ma’amarei Ra’aya.
      hy”d, often known by his sefer, the Aish   7.  See Rabbi Betzalel Naor’s Legends of Rabbah
      Kodesh, Rabbi Yeshayahu was a scion of   Bar Bar Chana, 20.
      Rabbi Elimelech of Lizensk, the Maor   8.  Hillel Zeitlin, קוק ברה לש הלבקב ידוסיה וקה,
      Vashemesh, and the courts of Koznitz,   HaTzofeh, September 25, 1938.
      and Grodzisk. Settling in Eretz Yisrael in   9.  Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Neriya,  Moadei Ra’aya,
      1920, he left behind the glory of lead-  Shabbat.
      ing a great Chassidic court in order to   10.   Iggrot Ra’aya, Vol. I, 206.
      physically help build up the Land. As   11.  See Pinkasim M’Kitvei Yad Kodsho, Pinkas 5:9.
      the head of the Immigration and Labor
      Department of the Mizrachi Center
      in Jerusalem, he organized a group
      of 120 religious workers to build the
      Rosh Pinah-Tabgha road and another   Rabbi Reuven Boshnack is the Director of
      50 workers, including himself, to clean   OU-JLIC at Brooklyn College and a licensed
      Solomon’s Pool near Jerusalem. While   Mental Health Counselor. He is the author
      in Israel, he met Rav Kook and became   of several books, including The Sefas Emes
      part of his circle. He was ultimately   Project, a collection of shiurim on the
      given access to Rav Kook’s journals and   parasha through the lens of the Sfas Emet,
      used them to compile the sefer Eretz   Avodas Yehuda: Insights from the Maharal,
      Chafetz, which combined Rav Kook’s   and Pathways to the Heart, a collection of
      teachings on Eretz Yisrael together with   shiurim on the parasha from the Rabbis of
      his insights from his own life.  the Izhbitz dynasty.

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