Page 54 - HaMizrachi RH-YK 5784 - North America
P. 54


     VIEWS                                 Shayna                                Isaac

                                           Goldberg                              Barchichat

                                             n every Amidah of Rosh Hashanah, we pray   or me, the tefillah that stands out among
                                             ךָ ֶדוֹב ְכ ִבּ וֹלּ ֻכּ ם ָלוֹע ָה ל ָכּ ל ַע ךְוֹל ְמ. We ask   all others is the Kol Nidrei prayer. This is the
                                             Hashem to “reign over the entire universe   moment when each Jew throughout the
                                             in Your glory” and to “reveal Yourself in the   world, religious or not religious, Zionist
                                          Imajestic grandeur of Your strength over all For not Zionist, for or against the current
     We asked five                         the dwellers of Your inhabited world.”   judicial reform, takes a moment to retrospect
                                              These words powerfully capture for me
                                                                                 and reflect upon their purpose in this world.
                                                                                    This is a unique moment in the Jewish
     accomplished                          the essence of the Yamim Nora’im. These are   calendar, when young children come with their
                                           not only days of personal judgment when
                                           individuals introspect, repent and yearn to be   parents to shul and meet with their elders to pray
     Jews from                             deserving of another year of life. It is also a time   all together for a year full of life and success.
                                           to recognize Hashem’s kingship and beg Him to
                                                                                    In France, as in many other communities, the
                                           reign over not only the Jewish people but the   privilege to chant the Kol Nidrei is often given
     around the                            entire universe. “Let everything that has been   not to the chazan but to the oldest or wisest
                                           made know that You are its Maker.” We yearn for
                                                                                 person in the congregation, creating a de facto
                                           absolute clarity of purpose, for an understanding   connection between the different generations
     world:                                of both our personal and collective roles in life,   within the community. This is when we hope
                                           and for direction for ourselves and for others. A
                                                                                 and pray  that the  chosen  shaliach  delivers
     Which part                            world where “everything with a life’s breath in   our prayers to Hashem and convinces Him to
                                                                                 positively accept our prayers. This is the most
                                           its nostrils will proclaim that G-d of Israel is King
                                           and His Kingship rules over everything” will be   beautiful moment, when Jews throughout
     of the Yamim                          a world of order and justice, a world filled with   France pray together, united as one, with great
                                           peace, meaningful interactions and experiences
                                                                                 hope for the future of our community.
                                           and a joint desire to fulfill G-d’s vision in its
     Nora’im tefillot                      entirety.

     do you find

     the most


                                           Shayna Goldberg is the author of the book “What
                                           Do You Really Want? Trust and Fear at Life’s Cross-  Isaac Barchichat is a Yeshiva University graduate,
                                           roads and in Everyday Living” (Maggid, 2021), an   Deputy Mayor in the Paris region, an activity com-
                                           editor for Deracheha, a website on women and   munity leader, director of a youth movement, mar-
                                           mitzvot, and a mashgicha ruchanit for the SKA   ried to Batya and a father of four. Isaac has been
                                           Beit Midrash for Women (Migdal Oz).   recently appointed Director of Mizrachi France.

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