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 Ҡere are many ways to approach the text of the Torah. Some mine for
 inspiration,  others focus on psychological insights, while others focus on the
 reverberation of the text throughout Jewish history. In this remarkable work   TORAH UNITED
 by my friend Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider, all three are woven together to form
 a seamless tapestry of Torah insight, depth, and history. DiŠerent worlds   Torah
 and  approaches  are  all  in  dialogue  together,  from  our  great  Rishonim,  to   NEW YEAR    Visit the parents in
 contemporary Jewish thinkers. As I turned each page, I was transported into   UniTed  from oU Press
                                                new for The
 what Rabbi Soloveitchik once called the symposium of generations, where   The WinTman Family ediTion  ןורבח
 I the reader had a chair within the Beit Medrash of the great luminaries of   Engage with the
 Jewish thought all in conversation with one another. And the most powerful   many facets of  Torah
 dialogues are not those confined to the page, but those that this book will
 undoubtedly inspire within the lifetime of each of its readers.”  This remarkable work by Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider provides
              new insights on the weekly parashah into the Torah’s message
 –Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman  from different vantage points. Delve into the intellectual
 President of Yeshiva University  brilliance of
              Rav Soloveitchik,
              spiritual depths of                               *Book your family
              Rav Kook, and the                                favorite Hebron tour!
 “Dear reader, you are about to discover one of the central features of our   Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, and the Chassidic Masters  Teachings on the Weekly Parashah from Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook,   TORAH UNITED  passionate devotion
              of the Chassidic
 Torah. †ere are many roads to truth, but ultimately all those roads lead to   Masters.
 a common conclusion. †at conclusion is ably summed up by King David,   Witness the unity and
 who declares in Psalm 19: ‘†e Lord’s Torah is perfect, refreshing the soul.’”  diversity of Jewish
              thought as these
 –Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb  profound scholars
 Executive Vice President, Emeritus, Orthodox Union  come together in    Jennifer L.
                                                                  Really inspiring tour! Rabbi
                                                                  Simcha did an amazing job!
                                                                   He gets so into the stories
                                                                  that you feel like you were      Rivkie W.
              BOOKS OF JEWISH THOUGHT THAT EDUCATE,               there, actually making you    We've been on this tour numerous
                                                                        part of history!
 Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik and the Lubavitcher   INSPIRE, ENRICH AND ENLIGHTEN               times and always enjoy & benefit
                     Available at
 Rebbe at a dinner for the Lubavitch Yeshiva in 1942.   Teachings on the Weekly Parashah from   from it. This time we really
                                                                                                appreciated the updated Beit
 From Left: Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, who                                                   Hadassa museum. It was really a
                                                                                                moving experience. Can't wait to
 delivered the keynote address that evening; Rabbi                                              come back again!
 Shmaryahu Gurary, brother-in-law of the Rebbe;   RAV AVRAHAM YITZCHAK HAKOHEN KOOK,
 Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the Rebbe’s
 father-in-law and the sixth Lubavitcher rebbe
 (at the time); the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem   RABBI JOSEPH B. SOLOVEITCHIK,
 Mendel Schneersohn.
 Photo credit: Courtesy of JEM  AND THE CHASSIDIC MASTERS
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