Page 55 - HaMizrachi RH-YK 5784 - North America
P. 55

Rebbetzin Leat                        Rabbi Ben Zion                        Nediva
     Millunchick                           Algazi                                Buechler

           s a mum of 5, tefillah has changed for   he tefillot of the Yamim Nora’im are a   or me, as clichéd as it may be, the most
           me over the years. There were years   unique, once in a year opportunity. As   meaningful  tefillah during the  Yamim
           when I was in shul from the beginning   Chazal say, we begin with the concept   Nora’im has always been U’netaneh Tokef.
           of davening until the end, or simply   of “Open for me like the opening of a   It is the only one that has been guaranteed
     Aable to daven at home without any dis-  Tneedle, and I will open for you like the   Fto make me take stock, to remind me of
     turbances. Later on there were days where my   width of the heichal,” and ends with the shutting   the overwhelming and all-encompassing power
     husband would catch an early shacharit and he   of Ne’ilah. The message is that there is a one-off   of Hashem, and causes me to come as close as
     would take over with the kids so I could daven at   opening and closing, and a unique opportunity   is personally possible to fully appreciating how
     shul. More recently, we were blessed with twins   that has to be grabbed. One who approaches the   things are completely outside of our control as
     and the pregnancy was very hard, so at this point   tefillot with this mentality has a completely dif-  humans. It makes me think of the people who
     in my life simply fasting on Yom Kippur was a   ferent approach – these are not just any tefillot,   have been lost, and the people I am afraid to
     challenge, and tefillah became secondary. As   but a unique opportunity that we don’t want   lose in the future. It encompasses how much
     women, our relationship with tefillah can change   to miss.                 things can change in one short year, and how
     depending on our circumstances, which is not   If a poor person knows that there is a   often we take that time for granted. It is the only
     a bad thing. It gives us a chance to stop and   potential donor available to meet at one specific   tefillah that has ever brought me to tears, and
     appreciate our blessings, and then, when life   time, they will do whatever they can to be as   on occasion, to my knees. It simultaneously ter-
     slows down again, we can reconnect to Hashem   prepared and present as possible for that time   rifies me and makes me feel hopeful, it reminds
     through tefillah more often.          – and it is with that mindset that we need to   me of my insignificance and my importance. It
        The Yamim Nora’im are so packed with tefillot,   approach the tefillot of Rosh Hashanah and Yom   causes me to beg for what I hope the future will
     that for me, whatever I manage to get through is   Kippur, a special time where we can pray for   bring, and reminds me that the outcomes will be
     a triumph. But the tefillah I connect with the most   everything, on a personal and national level.  determined by a combination of my choices and
     is Ne’ilah. By that point, the kids are sleeping, and                       how said choices are viewed in a Divine context.
     I can take my time, alone, to daven and connect                             Am I good enough? Can I ever be? I guess we’ll
     with Hashem and think seriously about the year                              find out.
     gone by, what we achieved as a family, and what
     we want to achieve in the coming year. I think
     of the areas in which we’ve succeeded, and the
     struggles we have gone through. Davening at
     home, in the environment where we are making
     our  lives  flourish, allows  me to connect  to
     Hashem and be truly grateful and have the most
     meaningful tefillah.
     Rebbetzin Leat Millunchick is a graduate of the
     Susi Bradfield Leadership Course at LSJS, Machon                            Nediva Buechler works as the Menahelet at Mid-
     Puah and the Eden Centre. Previously, Leat was the                          reshet Amudim in Yerushalayim. She participated
     head of informal education at Hasmonean High                                in Mizrachi’s Shalhevet and Lapidot programs, as
     School. Leat is an accomplished doula and childbirth                        well as Matan’s Eshkolot Educators program, and
     educator, and is passionate about nurturing healthy   Rabbi Ben Zion Algazi is the Founder and Author of   is passionate about infertility education. She has a
     and sustainable family life. Leat is a graduate of   Tzurba M’Rabanan, a learning program with tens   background in graphic design, education, and tour
     Mizrachi’s Shalhevet program and currently serves   of thousands of learners around the world, and   guiding, and currently lives in Sha’alvim with her
     as Rebbetzin at Belmont shul in London, UK.  the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Hesder Ramat Gan.  husband and son.

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