Page 57 - HaMizrachi RH-YK 5784 - North America
P. 57

As a Ba’alat Teshuva, are you able to relate to those who   a whole hour, to prove to you why this is not true. For years I
        were born into a religious home, and are very worn out   worked according to these basic assumptions – to get up in the
                                                              morning and look for what the Charedim are doing wrong, what
        from the religious burdens of everyday life?
                                                              the settlers are doing wrong, and in general, what is wrong with
        “When people ask me to talk about my teshuva story, I always say   the world. Now, I’m not saying there aren’t problems, but the
        that there’s no great wisdom to learn from it. The story of people   biggest problem of all is getting up in the morning and looking
        who grow up religious is much more exciting to me, precisely   only for problems.
        because it is not exciting. There is no great wisdom in becoming   “Only a few years ago I realized that the word א ְט ֵח, ‘sin,’ derives
        a ba’al teshuva. You come from outside without any coercion, you   from the word ה ָא ָט ְח ַה, ‘to miss’ – and that it is a ‘sin’ against my
        simply fall in love with the Torah. No teacher at school ever told   mission to miss what I am supposed to be doing, to be in the
        me to make a beracha or to daven and no one criticized me when I   wrong place. I am trying to correct this sin, this ‘miss,’ by using
        studied Torah subjects. I came from outside of my own free will   the talents I received to report on that which connects, unites,
        and choice – straight to the Torah, to G-d, to the thing itself. It   pleases, excites, and uplifts. To bring Judaism into the news as
        requires real strength to grow up inside the religious community,   well. To understand that the parashat haShavua, the Torah portion
        and to find renewal from within. To continue the legacy of the   of the week, is part of our pulse, part of our culture.”
        generations that came before you and to add your own floor to
        the building you inherited.                           Since Elul 5776, Rahav-Meir has been given a weekly class on
                                                              parashat haShavua, connecting the parasha to current affairs.
        “That’s why I most admire people who grew up religious and who   The class began as a local initiative but has become an event
        light the spark within,” she explains, and immediately adds that   attended by hundreds of people every week, and many more
        it’s not her idea: “Our sages explain that Yitzchak’s prayer was   watch it online. The class combines traditional commentators
        accepted because he was a ‘righteous man who was the son of a   with personal stories, references to the news, the world of new
        righteous man,’ as compared to Rebecca, a ‘righteous woman who   media and the Israeli media, as well as letters that the audience
        was the daughter of a wicked man.’ Why was Yitzchak’s prayer   themselves send to Rahav-Meir to read in the shiur.
        answered and not Rebecca’s? Wasn’t Rebecca on a higher level,
        because she was a ba’alat teshuva? It seems that being a righteous   “Among the general public,” says Sivan, “the reactions still sur-
        son of a righteous man is not easy. If your father and grandfather   prise me. I did broadcasts on TV for many years and people would
        went to shul, in a world that constantly calls on us to innovate   say ‘I saw you on TV.’ Okay, thanks for the update. But since I
        and reinvent ourselves and to rebel and break conventions – yet   began speaking about the deeper issues of life, the soul, the
        you still go to the synagogue with enthusiasm – then you are on   Torah, the commentaries, people connect to the content itself.
        a truly high level.”                                  They say to me, ‘I have an idea from the Ramban to add to what
                                                              you said,’ or ‘my wife was really moved by this commentary,’
                                                              and so on.
        Does working in the largest news network in Israel and
        the pressure associated with it bother you during the   When I was chasing members of the Knesset for interviews,
        days of selichot and teshuva?                         I never imagined that one day Keshet 12 would broadcast my
                                                              shiur on parashat haShavua. It’s not something I even dreamed of.”
        “In recent years, the media has come to understand that the
        pulse of Elul and Tishrei can translate into good ratings. There
        are many broadcasts about selichot, and many places ask to inter-  Can we say that you are the rabbi of the news people?
        view me during this period, to talk about the holidays. They   “Actually I’m more the address for questions people have about
        understand that there is a huge public that is traditional, that   the behavior of other religious people. As we know, each religious
        hearts are opening, that the heavens are opening. Or maybe I’m   person represents all religious people in the world, and I have to
        just naive and the media just understands that it brings viewers,”   explain everything they do. I try to answer matter-of-factly, if
        she smiles. “In any case, I don’t feel a contradiction between the   I have an answer. It is very important not to get emotional, not
        essence of these days and work, for the most part. There are a   to shout. I used to be upset and would come home angry after
        lot of lectures, and great demand to hear them, in places that   arguments like this. I hope that today I am more vocal, but also
        are considered ‘far away’ from religion, and it’s great fun. The   more calm. This is also my advice to others. But as the Rebbe of
        King is in the field, and so are the people. It’s a shame that we   Lubavitch already said: ‘My goal is not to win arguments, my
        don’t have two months of Elul!”                       goal is to strengthen and help Jews.’ Meaning, my goal is not to
                                                              fight and win and say to myself ‘I showed him!’ This is not the
        Doesn’t your work, and ours as well as members of the   goal, not on the TV networks and not in life. The goal is to be
                                                              useful, if possible.
        media, contradict the essence of teshuva? The ten-
        dency to gossip and share bad news?
        “For years I was an integral part of the media and accepted all
        its basic assumptions. People say that the news station tells you
        every evening at 8:00 pm ‘Good evening,’ and then proceeds, for

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