Page 10 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 10

Rabbi Hershel Schachter
                                                                                                                                                       make any meal

                These and Those

                hen one asks a  sheilah     shel Torah (an “object” of Torah),     Accordingly,  the  entire  Chanukah                          Legendary
                (halachic question) to a    even though in practice we follow the   miracle was unnecessary.  Tamei oil
      WRav and receives a  psak             majority opinion.                      does not exist in the Beit HaMikdash!
      (ruling), that psak is binding, because
      we  assume  that  the  Rav  was  correct   The concept of םיִּי ַ ח םי ִ קלֹ ֱ א י ֵ ר ְ בּ ִ ד ּו ּ ל ֵ א ָ ו ּו ּ ל ֵ א   Acharonim explain that the  halacha
      in  his  ruling.  This  assumption  is   is particularly relevant to Chanukah.   that  Beit HaMikdash oil always
      based on the verse, וי ָ א ֵ רי ִ ל 'ה ד ֹוס, “The   The Talmud discusses the  origin of   remains  tahor was in fact a subject
      secret of G-d is [revealed] to those   the holiday: 4                        of debate over several generations. It
      who fear Him.” This verse is quoted   When the Greeks entered the Heichal,   is true that if the Chanukah episode
      by the Talmud in this context, to     they rendered all the flasks of oil    would have occurred 100 years later
      demonstrate that G-d reveals the      there impure. When Beit Chashmonai     in the time of Yosi ben Yoezer, G-d
      correct solution to those who fear    gained the upper hand and vanquished   would not have performed the miracle,
      Him.                                  them, they searched and found only     because according  to the accepted
                                                                                   ruling at that time, the oil could not
      If the principle of  וי ָ א ֵ רי ִ ל  'ה  ד ֹוס   one flask of oil with the Kohen Gadol’s   contract tumah and there would have
      serves as the basis of our reliance   seal  still  intact,  containing  only   been no need for the miracle.
      upon a Rabbinical  psak, how do we    enough  to  kindle [the  menorah]  for
      understand the existence of machloket   one day. A miracle occurred with this   Nevertheless,  in  the  era  in  which  the
      (disagreement) in halacha? If each Rav   oil, and they kindled [the  menorah]   Chanukah episode did take place, the
      has a measure of Divine assistance to   with it for eight days.              consensus was that the oil in the Beit
      enable him to issue the correct  psak,   G-d is generally not interested in   HaMikdash could contract  tumah,
      how can disparate rulings ever exist?   changing the rules of nature that He   and  thus  G-d  performed  the  miracle
                                                                                   because of their  psak. This ruling
                                            established at the time of Creation.
      The Talmud answers this question                                             was later reversed when the majority
      with the phrase:  םי ִ קלֹ ֱ א י ֵ ר ְ בּ ִ ד ּו ּ ל ֵ א ָ ו  ּו ּ ל ֵ א   The Rambam writes that the eight-day   opinion shifted and their view was
      םיִּי ַ ח, “These and those are the words   miracle was necessary because this   outvoted.
      of the living G-d” (Eiruvin 13b). For   was the amount of time necessary to
                                            manufacture and transport additional
      example, regarding the many disputes   tahor (pure) oil.                     It  turns out that  the  whole  story
      between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel,                                        of Chanukah is truly fantastic.
      we assume that both sides of the      The    Acharonim 5  ask   a   most     Remarkably, G-d changed the rules of
      machloket have validity.              basic   question   regarding   the     nature in deference to the principle of
                                                                                   םיִּי ַ ח םי ִ קלֹ ֱ א י ֵ ר ְ בּ ִ ד ּו ּ ל ֵ א ָ ו ּו ּ ל ֵ א!
                                            disqualification of the tamei (impure)
      This does not mean that one has the   oil. The Talmud teaches that there     Adapted  from  “Rav  Schachter  on  the
      option to follow either opinion. The   is a  machloket Tanna’im regarding    Moadim.”
      halacha is usually in accordance      whether liquids contract  tumah on a
      with the opinion of  Beit Hillel. What   Torah level or only on a rabbinic level.
      it does mean is that when we study                                           1   Tehillim 25:14.
      Beit Shammai’s opinion, it is equally   The accepted opinion, based on       2   Sotah 4b, Sanhedrin 48b, Chagigah 3b,
      considered a fulfillment of the mitzvah   Yosi ben Yoezer’s testimony, is that   Niddah 20b.
      of Talmud Torah, because this opinion   liquids are susceptible to tumah     3   See  BeIkvei HaTzon, p. 259; See Nefesh
      has legitimacy as well. As long as    only rabbinically, and this rabbinic      HaRav, 1994 ed., p. 41.
      both sides of the  machloket arrive at   enactment  was  never  instituted   4    Shabbat 21b.
      their  positions  by  working  with  the   regarding  liquids  in  the  Beit   5   Mor  UKetziah,  Orach  Chaim,  siman  670;
                                                                                      Beit Yitzchak, Orach Chaim, siman  110;
      ן ֵ ה ָּ ב  ת ֶ ׁש ֶ ר ְ דִנ ה ָ ר  ּ ת ַ ה ֶ ׁש  ת  ּ ד ִ מ (exegetical   HaMikdash.  ן ַ כ ְ ּ ד אָּי ַ ח ְּ ב ְ ד ַ מ י ִּ ב  י ֵ ק ְ ׁש ִ מ, “The   Shoel UMeishiv, mahadurah 1, 3:42.
      principles through which the Torah    liquids [offered upon] the altar (blood,
      is expounded), each is considered to   water, wine, and oil) are tahor.” Thus,   Rabbi Hershel Schachter  is Rosh Yeshiva
      have a bona fide point of view, and   the halacha is that the oil of the Beit   and Rosh Kollel at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
      each opinion constitutes a  cheftza   HaMikdash does not contract tumah.     Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University
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