Page 14 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 14

Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel

         A Glimpse of the Divine

         often wonder what a rationalist    This fits in beautifully with the old   Similarly, couples undergoing fertility
         like me can do when encountering   description of Zionism:                treatments  have  a  sharp  awareness
     I everyday miracles.                                                          of the fragility of the webs that keeps
                                            The secular kibbutznik says, “You say
      The old joke tells of a man drowning   the  State  of  Israel  is  from  G-d?  No   the tiny embryo attached. There is a
      in the sea, clinging to a floating board   way! It’s from the Palmach!” Then   feeling that the tissue is so delicate it
      and praying to G-d to send him        with a Yiddish accent, the  chassid    is almost held in place by prayer. That
      salvation. A fishing boat passes and   from Mea Shearim says, “You say       it  might  tear  if  we  let  go  even  for  a
      offers help, but he says, “No thanks,   the State of Israel is from  HaKadosh   minute.
      I am confident in the L-rd.” Next, a   Baruch  Hu?  No  way,    it’s  from  the   We are all held in place by delicate silk
      surfer reaches out to him and again he   Palmach.”                           strands. We are all vulnerable, fragile
      refuses, “Salvation will come like the                                       and exposed – and miraculously
      blink of an eye.” A helicopter flies over   There are two types of ingratitude (in   supported every second of our lives.
      and our hero waves it on. He drowns.   Hebrew it’s the same word as heresy).
      He arrives in Heaven and asks G-d     One could fail to understand that      Not only are we more fragile and
      why He didn’t save him. “I sent you a   G-d is operating in the world because   vulnerable than we care to admit.
      boat, a surfer and a chopper. What    the  means seem too ‘secular’ – the    We are also continually blessed and
      more did you want?”                   intermediaries are not sufficiently    coddled with an abundance of good in
                                            refined. Or one could put one’s trust   every second of our routine existence,
      A similar joke tells of a woman       in the ordinary and say it’s nature, so   above all imagination and beyond
      hurrying to a critical meeting in Tel   why are you talking to me about G-d?  our ability to  perceive. The everyday
      Aviv. She’s desperately searching for                                        miracle is a kind of momentary
      a parking space. She prays to G-d to   What  is  an  everyday  miracle?  Let  us   unveiling, a statistical glitch attesting
      help  her.  The  words  have  barely  left   suggest that it’s an occurrence that   to our entire existence.
      her lips when a truck moves out of a   does not involve changes in the order
      spot. The woman says “Never mind      of nature, but is perhaps statistically   Just like G-d-forbid,  tragedies shake
      G-d, I managed.”                      quite  unlikely,  happens  with  perfect   our world,  a miracle also has the
                                            timing and even feels like a miracle, if   power to make our world tremble.
      What the two jokes have in common                                            However, we have mere seconds
      is that the person does not understand   only for a second.                  in which to acknowledge what has
      that G-d works through natural        It seems like the purpose of everyday   happened as literally awe-some or
      agents, that all natural incidents are   miracles – the exception, the unlikely,   to see it as something natural and
      G-d’s acts in the world.              and  sometimes  even  the  unbelievably   obvious.

      In the first joke, the man does not   crazy – is to teach us about the usual,   “Even the person for whom a miracle
      value  the  help  offered  because  it   the expected and the standard.
      was not Divine enough. He didn’t      Once at a  Brit, I heard people joking   is performed is unaware of the
      recognize the agents as Divine because   about the sleeping baby blissfully   miracle.”
      they weren’t decorated with fairy     unaware of what was about to happen.   So the next time you experience
      dust  or  accompanied  by  thunder and   Then one of them commented, “And    an everyday miracle, be aware of it.
      lightning. As far as he was concerned,   do we know what awaits us?”         Acknowledge it!
      G-d had not yet intervened.
                                            It felt like he had just exposed the
      In the second, the woman hurried to   strings that are attached to all of us.
      use the opportunity that presented    Like puppets, we move around with      1   Niddah 31a.
      itself, but because it was ‘natural’   an illusory sense of control and choice,
      she attributes no religious value to it.   unaware of the directing instructions
      Here, too, G-d did not interfere.     and  the  plot  being weaved  over  our   Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel  teaches Torah

      We can manage on our own…             heads.                                 at midrashot in Israel

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