Page 12 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 12
Rabbi Shalom Rosner
Being a Jew
Inside and Out
ur doorway is our bridge to take certain liberties or shortcuts, we must stay strong in our public
the outside world. It is the related to their public religious Jewish way of life.
Oplace of transition between observance. Yet, in the privacy of their
our public, society- centered life, own home, when nobody is watching, Yosef epitomizes this message. In his
and our private family-focused life. the standards are forgotten. epic struggle with Potiphar’s wife, he
Throughout the year, we place one controls his urges and privately was
religious marker at this crucial exit These two behaviors, says Rabbi םי ִ מ ָ ׂש ם ֵ ׁש ׁש ֵ ּ ד ַ ק ְ מ. The Talmud tells us
and entrance point – our mezuzah. Benjamin Blech, are what Chazal that his father’s image, symbolizing
had in mind when they enacted his religious upbringing, appeared to
On Chanukah, we position another the mezuzah on the right and the him. Yosef knew the message of the
object in our doorway, opposite the chanukiah on the left. The mezuzah is mezuzah. He practiced his Judaism in
mezuzah – the chanukiah. Why does on our right upon entering our home. private. Yet later on, we also observe
the Talmud demand specifically to that Yosef, though the only Jew in
place it in the doorway, opposite the As we transition from our social the entire country of Egypt, was not
mezuzah. What is the deeper message public domain into our private fearful to behave in a unique manner.
behind these two mitzvot? domain, we take note of the mezuzah, The Torah tells us that Yosef’s master
which reminds us that G-d is always saw that G-d was with him. Rashi
Living in our open society, we watching, and we always have a comments that Yosef constantly
encounter many situations which standard of behavior to live up to, even invoked the name of G-d in his
challenge our religious observance. if no human being is present. everyday conversations. He did not feel
There are, at times, two opposite constrained by being out in the open,
pressures to which a Jew might The Rambam writes ע ַּג ְ פִי ,סֵנ ָּ כִּי ֶ ׁש ן ַ מְז ל ָ כ ְ ו amongst strangers. Yosef understood
succumb. There are those who find ה"בקה ל ֶ ׁש ֹומ ְ ׁש דּוחִי ְּ ב – “and each time the message of the chanukiah. He
it easier to be a Jew on the “inside.” we enter, we are met with the name practiced his Judaism in public.
of G-d.” The mezuzah tells us not to
When they are at home, they are leave our Judaism out on the street,
totally kosher. They daven, they make not to live a Judaism based on other’s Our job on Chanukah is to remember
brachot, they are meticulous about judgments. די ִ מ ָ ת י ִ ּ ד ְ גֶנ ְ ל 'ה י ִ תי ִּו ִ ׁש – G-d is what the Hasmonean victory over
each detail of halacha. Yet when always watching. the Greeks symbolizes. Our inner
they go outside, they feel the need and deep feelings for our religion
to blend in. Off comes any religious Yet upon exiting our house, the must motivate us to be ֹור ָ ב ְּ כ ֹוכֹו ּ ת, to
identification. The need to socialize chanukiah is on our right. The Greek be Jews on the inside, in private, as
and intermingle with professional motto was the blending in of the well as Jews on the outside, amongst
acquaintances justifies the falling nations, the Hellenization of the other people. Let us use this holiday
away of any religious norms. They are Jews. Be like us, why be different. The as a springboard to strengthen our
spiritual growth, both in our homes
a Jew at home but not amongst the chanukiah symbolizes our victory over and in our public lives.
nations. the Greeks and their creed. We must
and will be Jews in the workplace,
There are also those who find it easier amongst our neighbors, just as we are
to be a Jew on the “outside.” Peer in our own homes. 1 Sotah 36.
pressure, being surrounded by others 2 Bereishit 39:3.
who would not approve of certain So as we leave our homes, and we look
inappropriate behaviors, force them to the right, we see our chanukiah, to Rabbi Shalom Rosner is a Rebbe at Yeshivat
to behave religiously. They would not remind us not to leave our Judaism Kerem B’Yavneh and Rabbi of the Nofei
dare eat in a certain public eatery, or inside. We overcame the Greeks, and HaShemesh community
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